diy solar

diy solar

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  1. U

    Ground cable

    Will this be ok? Please say yes so I can just buy it and plug it in and be done haha
  2. U

    Ground cable

    It is mainly for lights in the garage. All my power tools are battery powered so it would have been used to charge batteries every now and then. I will see if any electricians are working with what’s going on in the world.
  3. U

    Ground cable

    I’m out of my depth with all this. I watched the video and thought this is fool proof! Obviously not as hear I am ? Can anybody from England recommend a decent budget inverter for me to use with what I have? I know this may seem very lazy of me but trust me I have been trying to learn myself...
  4. U

    Ground cable

    I’ve still not got around to getting this sorted. So if I purchase an Earth rod and just attach it to that I should be ok?
  5. U

    Ground cable This site has plenty of U.K. stock. Which of them would suit me best? I have 400w of solar panels for this setup. I appreciate the help. It must get a little annoying dealing with clueless people
  6. U

    Ground cable

    Oh my god I’m useless haha. Cancelled. What would you use?
  7. U

    Ground cable

    Thank you everyone for your help. I am going to return it and I’ve just ordered this. And to think I was considering starting with one of wills big custom systems I can’t even manage this ?
  8. U

    Ground cable

    Hi Steve. So would you Suggest I return this and get a more appropriate inverter?
  9. U

    Ground cable

    This is all it says on it. From the video I watched of Will on the nearly identical system he says nothing about grounding. I’m heading to the garage soon I will get my head around it. I’m sure it’s very simple I feel a bit silly been so confused haha
  10. U

    Ground cable

  11. U

    Ground cable

    Sorry for the lack of info Hear are some pictures. It’s an off grid set up just in my garage as it’s cheaper than getting electrics fitted
  12. U

    Ground cable

    Where do I put the ground cable I got with my inverter?? nothing in instructions. Can’t find it anywhere online. Reason for this is probably it’s too obvious and only a real dummy wouldn’t know Cheers
  13. U

    Is this ok?

    I have bought the renogy 12v starter kit from wills video. instead of a SLA battery I have bought a lithium battery. Im just wanting to make sure this was the better option even with such a small system? it’s for back up power should we lose it. I have been told not to come back to work...
  14. U

    Good solar kits?

    I am sat reading the book from start now. It definitely makes sense to learn 1st. Call me paranoid but I feel like I’m a little against the clock haha. The world is slowly shutting down because of coronavirus. today I am going to read and learn and work out what I need. Then go from there.
  15. U

    Good solar kits?

    Once I have purchased something then I can sit and learn and there’s no rush. I just need to get it purchased. I hope people are understand what I’m on about.
  16. U

    Good solar kits?

    hi everyone. Does anyone have any good recommendations for a good all in 1 solar power kit I can buy in the U.K.? I feel I’m pushing it a bit late wanting to learn everything before I purchase. if I could just buy things from China or what ever else things would be much easier. I have bought...
  17. U

    Anybody from the U.K.?

    Thanks guys.
  18. U

    Anybody from the U.K.?

    Just wondering if anyone is from the U.K. here? If so how to you go about sourcing your equipment? Online from U.K. suppliers or overseas?
  19. U


    Anyone from the U.K.? Is the best place to be buying equipment on eBay and refining settings to U.K. only? I’ve been searching google for solar equipment U.K. and not having much luck
  20. U

    24v 4000w

    Is the 24v 4000w system on the website too much for my 1st attempt at creating a solar system? Should I be starting smaller to get the feel for it?
  21. U

    Hi everyone

    Hahaha yes we’re on different pages. I will post a picture of mine tomorrow :)
  22. U

    Hi everyone

    hello everyone I’m Steve and I’m very new to solar haha. I started looking it up a little bit about 4 days ago. Since then I’ve not really stopped. And I’ve gradually made my way here haha. I’m obviously looking for a little bit of advice being so new haha. I am extending my kitchen in to my...

diy solar

diy solar