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diy solar

14S BMS for DIY model 3 cell power wall

Tommy L

New Member
Aug 11, 2020
First Post..... But I've built lots of Electric propulsion vehicles, so I'm no stranger to Lithium
and the different chemistries. I just never used BMS's before as I was always the BMS
on my vehicles watching at the Cell Level during use. A home based system for backup and off
grid whenever possible/sun permitting is what I'm doing. I'm trying to run 60% or more of my
homes load with a MPP Solar 48v 5kw 240 split

I'm searching for the best 14S BMS with Bluetooth for NCA Model 3 cells.
I just purchased 1000 3.7v nominal model 3 cells. I'll probably build
280 cell modules with a BMS on each 48v 100ah, three all together
for a 48v 300ah (nearly 15kw)or two all together 48v 200ah (nearly 10kw) system
So I'll need a really good 14S BMS.

What are todays choices?

Thank you!

Tommy L sends.....
I got a deal on Tesla cells. I’ve been a LiFePO4 guy for years.
Hi Tommy, I just bought 100 cells and am aiming toward making 12v 50ah bricks to build on. Any chance you could share some info on your project?

Are you soldering wires on each cell to help with over charge or other cell failures if the amps get too high? I see people doing that (which tesla does) and people also directly connecting them to nickle plates.


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