diy solar

diy solar

280ah cells - multiplying


New Member
Apr 20, 2021
If I am purchasing 8 of these cells, does that mean I have 560ah? or is it still 280? I'm planning 800-1000w of solar panels and wanting to make sure I've planned for enough storage. Or is that more important if using gel/lead acid batteries?
You actually have 2240 Amphours at 3.2 volts or 560 at 12.8 volts and 280 at 25.6 volts.
I find it easier to think in terms of Watt hours. In your case you have about 7000 Watt hours of batteries. The missing data is the amount of consumption that you expect to have. That is actually the number that should drive how much solar and storage you will need.
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If I am purchasing 8 of these cells, does that mean I have 560ah? or is it still 280? I'm planning 800-1000w of solar panels and wanting to make sure I've planned for enough storage. Or is that more important if using gel/lead acid batteries?
Before you drive yourself crazy or purchase things that might not fit your purpose, how about a brief description of what you are looking to do.

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diy solar