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diy solar

48V 280AH (12.5kwh) battery bank for $1500??


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Hey guys, am I reading this right? A seller on Alibaba had a 12.5kw 48V 280AH setup for $1400 supposedly (sample price, $1800 normally).

I've seen some good prices but I'm curious why this doesn't seem to be discussed more - it seems like a crazy deal!

I'm looking to build a 48V bank with a total of about 20-40kwh storage and 70-80% DoD during summer (about 30-40% DoD in winter). If this price is right and they're anything decent, I'm thinking about getting 3 of these!

If you have any suggestions or better recommendations I'm all ears ?

Thanks ?
Your link isn't working for me (just takes me to Alibaba's mobile home page)
Looks like you have to buy 20 of them to get the 1400 price.
Qty 1 gets you a 1700 price... still a good deal in my book.
Thanks for helping out with identifying more details about these, guys! When I'm working with the supplier, what type of questions and information should I be requesting? I'm planning on asking for a DoD cycle chart, brand of cells and if they're A quality, and what type of BMS they use.

I don't plan to ever take them over 80% DoD and that's only during summer (winter's more like 40% DoD). They should last a long time since they're rated for 3000 cycles at 95% DoD, right?
I have not seen any reports on that seller. I have found the experience from members here about particular vendors more useful in my decision making. There is sometimes detail lost in translation when buying on Alibaba. There are several well respected vendors discussed in numerous threads here.
That is an interesting battery case and may be worth $141 per kWh as a system if quality of the cells and BMS can be confirmed. On the other hand others are getting raw cells quoted for less than $100 per kWh but without case or BMS.
One good question to ask is if shipping is DDP, which means delivered duty paid to your door.
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I have not seen any reports on that seller. I have found the experience from members here about particular vendors more useful in my decusion making. There is sometimes detail lost in translation when buying on Alibaba. There are several well respected vendors discussed in numerous threads here.
That is an interesting case and may be worth $141 per kWh. On the other hand others are getting raw cells quoted for less than $100 per kWh but without case or BMS.
One good question to ask is if shipping is DDP, which means delivered duty paid to your door.
Great to know, thanks! Where are others getting raw cells for $100/kwh? I'm very open to DIY pack building and that's a great price! I would love not to reinvent the wheel trying to figure out a good BMS, case, etc, when others have already figured it out.
Well I guess we can disregard this post, the seller just replied saying that these are old inventory and they are no longer planning to manufacture them when they get back from CNY. I guess it's back to the drawing board with 10kwh packs!

They said that they also have a 10kwh pack for $1520, 3 of them (30kwh total) shipped DDP price would be $6160. Still nice, but I was really hoping for sub-$170/kwh pricing for pre-built.

So about those DIY packs, any advice on what BMS and case to get when building out 48v packs using the Lishen cells? And could I build all into one big 30-40kwh pack, or do they need to be split into smaller AH's per BMS?
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There are several threads on this forum on that topic. Search for e.g. Heltec, or check this:

The BMS will dictate what to do with the total bank. I have 2x16 cells; 280Ah per cell for my 48V set-up.

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