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6000xp - selecting primary inverter in parallel


New Member
May 25, 2024
Houston, Texas
Hi All,

I searched but did not find an answer. I think this should be pretty simple. I recently commissioned a setup with (2) 6000xp inverters and (2) Indoor Power Pro batteries. Per the manual, I connected parallel cables from/to each inverter in opposing ports and left the pair of dip switches next to the RJ45 section in the up position on both units (being they are the first and last inverters in the array). The batteries are correctly ID'd with dipswitch No. 1 up on the primary and only DIP 2 up on the subordinate unit and a comm. cable running from battery comm. on one battery comm. on the other. There is only one comm. cable running from the primary inverter's "Batt Comm" port to the "CAN" port on the primary battery. The inverters report good communication with the batteries, see their capacity, report SoC, etc.

Everything works fine. However, I have two questions:

1. When I look in the monitoring software, the inverter that is identified as "primary" matches to the S/N of the 2nd inverter, the one that does not have the battery comm. cable connected to the primary battery? Should I be flipping the two DIP switches on the subordinate inverter into the down position, or should I be changing something in the settings to force the other inverter to be the primary?

2. I recently updated the firmware on the inverters while online - no issue. I thought I had read it was possible to update battery firmware through software on the inverters, but I haven't found any way to do that yet? I did try to do a manual firmware update through an RS232 USB to console cable before the batteries were ID'd, and wired to each other to communicate. That failed with a message like: "Initialization Failed, Please Check BMS Connection; Clear Flash Failed, Please Update Again."
1. When I look in the monitoring software, the inverter that is identified as "primary" matches to the S/N of the 2nd inverter, the one that does not have the battery comm. cable connected to the primary battery? Should I be flipping the two DIP switches on the subordinate inverter into the down position, or should I be changing something in the settings to force the other inverter to be the primary?
Make sure setting 21 is set, starting with the master inverter (the inverter communicating with the battery bank), change setting 21 to 1PH for split-phase parallel. The LCD will then switch to a secondary setting, Parallel Phase. Set the inverter to P1 for phase 1. Repeat this step for the other inverter.
2. I recently updated the firmware on the inverters while online - no issue. I thought I had read it was possible to update battery firmware through software on the inverters, but I haven't found any way to do that yet? I did try to do a manual firmware update through an RS232 USB to console cable before the batteries were ID'd, and wired to each other to communicate. That failed with a message like: "Initialization Failed, Please Check BMS Connection; Clear Flash Failed, Please Update Again."
You can update the inverter firmware with the mobile app but as of now you have to use a PC to update the battery firmware. Here is a link to the most up to date firmware for the indoor batteries. Once you download the folder, there is a guide on how to update the firmware.
Make sure setting 21 is set, starting with the master inverter (the inverter communicating with the battery bank), change setting 21 to 1PH for split-phase parallel. The LCD will then switch to a secondary setting, Parallel Phase. Set the inverter to P1 for phase 1. Repeat this step for the other inverter.

Yes, I did that during my initial commissioning. I followed the manual step-by-step very closely.

You can update the inverter firmware with the mobile app but as of now you have to use a PC to update the battery firmware. Here is a link to the most up to date firmware for the indoor batteries. Once you download the folder, there is a guide on how to update the firmware.

Yes, I downloaded the S02T11 firmware package, read the directions carefully and followed the included guide step-by-step. That's where I got the error message I described. The first time I tried that was when I uncrated the batteries, before they were connected to anything. I tried again a couple of days ago with a different console cable I had, just in case the one I bought on Amazon wasn't the correct type or was somehow defective. I bypassed the inverters, shut them down, disconnected one of the batteries, returned the DIP switches to default, disconnected all COMMs cables, rebooted the BMS, and had the same results? I've checked Device Manager, confirmed the correct COM port is selected. Any other advice or tricks?

I'm interested in getting this firmware update done because of the updated cycle count logic...

Looking at the documentation a little more carefully. Are you guys using a non-standard pinout for the RJ-45? Docs indicate pins 4 & 5 should be RX/TX but I think they are typically unused or GND in a standard RS232 console cable?

There was a console cable included with my Chargeverter-GC, would it be expected to work for this purpose? EDIT - I see that cable is not an RS-232, but a RS-485 with nothing connected on Pins 2-7...
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Solved my first question. You guys were trying to tell me but I wasn't really listening. The assignment of Primary/Subordinate isn't fixed, it's dynamic - made at the time the system comes up. I bypassed the inverters, shut everything down, brought them back up one at a time, and now they are ordered correctly...

Now I need to look for a punchdown tool to re-orient the tx/rx pins on this cable...
Looking at the documentation a little more carefully. Are you guys using a non-standard pinout for the RJ-45? Docs indicate pins 4 & 5 should be RX/TX but I think they are typically unused or GND in a standard RS232 console cable?

There was a console cable included with my Chargeverter-GC, would it be expected to work for this purpose? EDIT - I see that cable is not an RS-232, but a RS-485 with nothing connected on Pins 2-7...
You are correct, it would be a RJ45 cable with pins 4 and 5. If you don't have the cable, we can go ahead and send one out to you.

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