diy solar

diy solar

Another crowd funded battery-powered generator


New Member
Dec 28, 2019
Seen a soon to be released battery powered generator. By the initial look very similar to the Ecoflow Delta.
Cautious though of anything from a group/company with no previous products in the marketplace.
Will get more details soon I guess but interested if anyone recognises the case as a currently available system from china/etc (eg aliexpress, alibaba) as I have seen a lot of projects that have used a previous made product with small tweaks and either never provided to backers or the company disappears not long after providing (basically just being a reseller to make money, posing as a startup).
Lifetime warranty, eh?:unsure:. The first picture is awesome. See any problem there? :eek:
I sure hope this Monster X is not "related" to the Monster by Allpowers that was on Indiegogo:
That thing worked great for 4 cycles, then would not take a charge. They even deleted one backers complaints! When they finally answered me, they wanted a video along with a very detailed description of what was wrong...said it would be used for "Training Purpose". That wasn't good enough, and they wanted more. After that, they actually wanted me to send them a video of me plugging it into the wall outlet...let that sink in...
It was then that I knew what the title of their "training video" would be: "How to get out of honoring a warranty claim"!

Now, if this new Monster is not affiliated with Allpowers, has round trip efficiency, uses Lithium Iron with at least 2,000 cycles, and has at least good customer service and a fair price, it will be a wake-up call for EcoLowFlow!
I sure hope this Monster X is not "related" to the Monster by Allpowers that was on Indiegogo:
That thing worked great for 4 cycles, then would not take a charge. They even deleted one backers complaints! When they finally answered me, they wanted a video along with a very detailed description of what was wrong...said it would be used for "Training Purpose". That wasn't good enough, and they wanted more. After that, they actually wanted me to send them a video of me plugging it into the wall outlet...let that sink in...
It was then that I knew what the title of their "training video" would be: "How to get out of honoring a warranty claim"!

Now, if this new Monster is not affiliated with Allpowers, has round trip efficiency, uses Lithium Iron with at least 2,000 cycles, and has at least good customer service and a fair price, it will be a wake-up call for EcoLowFlow!
If you zoom in on the ad picture you'll see the name ALLPOWERS on the box.
If you zoom in on the ad picture you'll see the name ALLPOWERS on the box.

That seems to be the company name. I don't think they are trying to hide it. $150K for this thing huh? I'm in the wrong line of work.
Guys, that picture is from the Allpowers Indiegogo campaign, not the Monster X one that hasn't launched.
And, the $153K was the total pledge amount; not the individual price.
All I was saying is to be careful with this new one...if it is Allpowers, I would not buy from someone that wants me to send a video of me plugging the adapter into a wall socket! They do not want to honor the product, and in the comments section I see that more new complaints have come in for this.

The interesting thing is that the Deltas have not even arrived yet, and already someone else is coming out with the fast charge option (80% in one hour). Looks like this will be the new benchmark...we're talking to you, (25hr.) Goal Zero!
And, the $153K was the total pledge amount; not the individual price.

Well duh. My point was that they slapped together something the size of a lunch box and got $153,000 to make a go of it. I've seen DIY boxes as good on this site.
To be fair, it also is Bluetooth connected, and you could remotely monitor and turn lights, AC and DC outputs on and off. Plus Qi wireless charging. It was pretty slick, but once it wouldn't take a charge, it slowly turned into a brick, with no real factory support.
I build Solar generators, and this one had plenty of tech. That was why I bought it...always keeping up with the trends.
Zooming in to the picture on the coming soon page does look like it is Allpowers so good to know of iffy past products.
The lifetime warranty on the battery is no different to the Delta one recently released but if customer service is crap then a warranty of any kind can mean nothing. Does look like there are a few dead batteries in the comments, it's just whether they are the only ones or many more.
Tim, Lost In The Desert, RandyRoad, you were correct, I missed that until I opened this last comment on my phone and zoomed in; didn't see that on my laptop...good to know.
Hoping that they will send Will a sample...maybe they fixed the Delta shortcomings. (I still wouldn't buy it, but other's may have better luck.)

FYI, the smaller Allspowers Monster was not a regulated 12v port; 10.96V @59% battery capacity, measured using a Fluke brand meter.
I sure hope this Monster X is not "related" to the Monster by Allpowers that was on Indiegogo:
That thing worked great for 4 cycles, then would not take a charge. They even deleted one backers complaints! When they finally answered me, they wanted a video along with a very detailed description of what was wrong...said it would be used for "Training Purpose". That wasn't good enough, and they wanted more. After that, they actually wanted me to send them a video of me plugging it into the wall outlet...let that sink in...
It was then that I knew what the title of their "training video" would be: "How to get out of honoring a warranty claim"!

Now, if this new Monster is not affiliated with Allpowers, has round trip efficiency, uses Lithium Iron with at least 2,000 cycles, and has at least good customer service and a fair price, it will be a wake-up call for EcoLowFlow!
Boy, do I wish I had come here and seen this comment before backing Monster X.

After months of giving AllPowers the benefit of the doubt, assuming they are naive and overwhelmed by trying to get a lithium product manufactured and delivered during a pandemic, I have come to see very clearly that there's a scam going on. I'm less clear on what the scam IS exactly. It seems to involve running the clock down, making sure not to deliver until all chargeback options have aged out, but there's got to be more to it. Is the plan to NOT deliver at all, ever, and just use the Indiegogo money for whatever? That's kind of business suicide but maybe they're dying anyway. It's the same type of behavior you talked about from the other campaign times ten - deleting comments, cherry picking who to respond to, then responding cryptically. They tell people who complain in the Indiegogo comments to email them, but they dont' ever respond to the email.

When I signed up in May they were saying July delivery, so by September a lot of people were clamoring for refunds. I was willing to wait because I already have enough power for the time being. I'm now in a place where I can plug in to charge up if necessary, but as of mid January, I'll be completely off grid for 2 months. I never imagined I still wouldn't have my Monster X by January, but if they ever deliver, it's will likely be April, more than a year after the campaign started. I actually had some in depth conversations with someone there over Facebook, but the last two chats got super weird, with them telling me they would deliver "eventually." Then they said they would issue me a refund once they determined that my unit was not in the incredibly small lot they had shipped to the US. It wasn't, but they said, well, now you have to wait to see if it's in the NEXT one. It wasn't, and they said the same thing again. Then they started deleting my comments.

Meanwhile, Indiegogo has done nothing. I understand that crowdfunding can sometimes be a trainwreck, and they are not the ones driving the train. But they ARE supposed to be maintaining the track, to belabor the metaphor. They are continuing to allow AllPowers to take on new backers, despite the fact that they obviously have no intention of pleasing the ones they already have.

I made a video warning people not to back the campaign and posted it unlisted for the backers to see. I will post it on my tiny YouTube channel on Monday, but it's such a small channel I'm sure they won't even care, They'd care if some bigger YouTuber with more authority publicly took them to tak (hint hint).