diy solar

diy solar

Anyone know which port the EVE cells get shipped from?

Simi 60

New Member
Jul 10, 2021

My desperately needed batts are apparently in transit as of yesterday but I have zero additional info as of yet

Me thinks I am going to have to buy some second hand AGM to get me through the wait.

Maersk Diverts Ships After Ningbo Terminal Shuts For COVID​

I’ve got a group 29 deep cycle I need to get rid of. SW Colorado.

My desperately needed batts are apparently in transit as of yesterday but I have zero additional info as of yet

Me thinks I am going to have to buy some second hand AGM to get me through the wait.

Maersk Diverts Ships After Ningbo Terminal Shuts For COVID​

The batteries aren't coming from EVE, but from the seller you are working with. Seems 99% of the sellers are in Shenzhen so that is the port they would come from

Port of Shenzhen

The Port of Shenzhen is a collective name of a number of ports along parts of the coastline of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China. These ports as a whole forms one of the busiest and fastest growing container ports in the world.

The port is home to 40 shipping companies who have launched around 130 international container routes. There are 560 ships on call at Shenzhen port on a monthly basis and also 21 feeder routes to other ports in the Pearl River Delta region
The main port terminals located in Shenzhen area are:
  • Yantian International Container Terminals.
  • Chiwan Container Terminals.
  • Shekou Container Terminals.
  • China Merchants Port.
  • Shenzhen Haixing.
I know when going back and forth from Hong Kong to the mainland you go right through that area. It was mind boggling how massive the shipping area was. And when going from Hong Kong to Macao, there were so many ships, it seemed like you could walk from HK to Macao across the decks.
Thanks for that
I got mine from Amy, here's hoping they get here sooner rather than later.
Most of the Shenzhen sellers' batteries will be shipped through Hong Kong port.
So this partial closure of Ningbo port will not affect the shipping of Shenzhen sellers' batteries.

diy solar

diy solar