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diy solar

diy solar

Anyone replace an original XW6048 with the newer XW6848+, or Pro?


10.4kw DIY Home Solar Sprinter Van DIY Victron
Aug 22, 2022
North Central Louisiana
I have the original Schneider XW6048, and it is working great, but I am considering buying a newer XW6848 for a spare, as it is getting a bit old and don't want to be hung up waiting on a replacement. My question is will it fit in the same space, and are all of the connections located in the same orientation? I would sure love to hear that it is pretty much a remove and replace scenario (plug & play), without having to re-configure my entire equipment wall.

Any other considerations that I may need to take into account when replacing the XW with a newer unit? I doubt that my current SCP would work, but maybe so.


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I'd compare part numbers on the mini PDP to see if that's changed. That would tell you if the physical connections on the bottom are different.

You're right, the SCP isn't supported any longer. I'm pretty sure you could install an Insight on the current system as it is backwards compatible (I think it requires specific firmware)

Nice looking set up. In theory, the XW line has evolved with no major hardware changes, but I've never seen documentation to show how physical interchangeable they different revisions are.
According to the Xantrex installation guide for the 6048 the inverter enclosure is the same size 23" x 16" x 9". The AC and DC connections appear similar, looks like the odds are in your favor.
They do look almost identical, and I have been assuming they had the same physical dimensions and connections. I appreciate both of your comments! What is a mini PDP - I either have forgotten, or not run across this acronym before? I am pretty certain there is no way to connect an insight to work correctly with my old XW.

I am still hoping to find someone who has actually done this switchover, sure would like the validation.
Oh, I got you! That's my E-Panel, sold by Midnight Solar. It is indeed a power distribution box, which made the solar, grid, generator, bypass and battery bank wiring much simpler. I will check out Midnite Solar to see if they have that box available, and see which XW's they show to be applicable.


Edit: I looked at the Midnite Solar website, and they do list an E-Panel for the newer XW6848. The dimensions are the same as my older one, but they only indicate it fits the XW6848, but I think it will be backward compatible. I sent them a message to verify.
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Edit: I looked at the Midnite Solar website, and they do list an E-Panel for the newer XW6848. The dimensions are the same as my older one, but they only indicate it fits the XW6848, but I think it will be backward compatible. I sent them a message to verify.
Why not just use the actual Schneider part for this (the mini-PDP)?
I did use the Midnite E-Panel on the original install 12-13 years ago. Don't remember my rationale back then for choosing that panel over the Schneider one. For sure, all of the solar equipment (info) was not nearly as easily available on the internet then. And, I did not even have internet availability at that time, at the build site. Nor this great forum. It was much more difficult then.

This thread was started about a year and half ago when the newer XW Pro was at retail price. Now that they will be discontinued, and have had a huge reduction in price, I will be ordering one. Just the other day I had started a very similar thread and have since gotten confirmation that the newer Pro will indeed fit exactly where my older XW is installed - hooray!

Thanks to everyone!

diy solar

diy solar