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diy solar

Arrghhh - Options for Grounding Giandel 24V system Off Grid


New Member
Jun 11, 2023
Thunder Bay
Ok so I wish Giandel had better documentation - discussed in other topics. I am looking for advice on the best way to approach my build. Options are:

1. Ditch Giandel and go Victron Multiplus II (I'll need to figure that grounding out)

2. Figure out how to to the sketch below with a GFCI (offered in a different thread) - not sure how to implement this with the 3000w hard wiring.

3. Remove the ground neutral bond from the panel and wire like a load center not a main.

Problem with current wiring - overloaded / fault with inverter when switched on (inverter buzzes - at least it didn't blow up). I shut it down and disconnected the battery

My plan was to upgrade the system later after my off grid cabin build and use this system for a small bunkie. When the cabin is built I would use this system as a temporary measure (was looking at the EG4 6000 xp 48 volt system) - that might be 2-3 years away yet.

Thanks to all for any advice / experience you might offer.


  • Current Panel Wiring.jpg
    Current Panel Wiring.jpg
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  • Option 3.jpg
    Option 3.jpg
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  • Solar Schem.pdf
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The manual.

But wat is the problem with earth?
Just stick it in the ground
Earth is really nothing more than a earth pin in the ground .
And not can set on a the gridd ?
I do not know how usa house are beult .
In the EU again its a pin in the ground and all house have its own earth pin.
That pin its about 6 meter down in the ground and sometimes more .
North American systems (residential / permanent) have a ground-neutral bond typically in the main panel to give a current path to short circuits instead of going through a person (me/you). I thought I understood the manual and what to do - but the manual does not address stationary off grid systems and the ground-neutral bond. I really don't get how this in an ETL listed inverter. (model PS 3000 KAR)
North American systems (residential / permanent) have a ground-neutral bond typically in the main panel to give a current path to short circuits instead of going through a person (me/you). I thought I understood the manual and what to do - but the manual does not address stationary off grid systems and the ground-neutral bond. I really don't get how this in an ETL listed inverter. (model PS 3000 KAR)
I have look in the usa systeem.
The earth is connect by transform house and than to ground .
And that is the reason that systeem is use.

If you go off grid with no grid option.
Than the earth connection go in to the ground .
Thare is really no other way to do it .
If you have to switch between grid and your own systeem.
Wel ask your energy company wat to do with the earth option .

I think this will help.

I have look in the usa systeem.
The earth is connect by transform house and than to ground .
And that is the reason that systeem is use.

If you go off grid with no grid option.
Than the earth connection go in to the ground .
Thare is really no other way to do it .
If you have to switch between grid and your own systeem.
Wel ask your energy company wat to do with the earth option .

I think this will help.

I am not connected to the grid - isolated system off grid. thanks

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