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diy solar

ARTCLE: Want to hot rod your e-bike? That’s now a $34,000 fine or jail time in France


Offgrid Cabineer, N.E. Ontario, Canada
Oct 29, 2019
Rural NE Ontario Canada
You better think twice about tuning your electric bicycle for more speed or power, at least if you live in France. That offense is now punishable by law, and you won’t believe what the maximum sentence can be.

If you tinker with your e-bike to tune it for higher speed, you could be looking at a maximum fine of up to €30,000 (US$34,000).

And don’t fool yourself in thinking that you’ll be alright if you’re rich and can pay the fine. Anyone running afoul of the new French law, known as French statutory provision L317-1, can also face up to one year in jail.

That’s right, you could do hard time for hot rodding your e-bike.
Rest of the story here:

Geez, talk about going to extremes ! When a regular "peddler" can do 20Mph on a 'normal' bicycle one has t wonder what the French are thinking. Quite KNEE JERK type of reaction IMO.