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diy solar

Battery Question EG4LL (LFP-51.2V100Ah-V1.0)


New Member
May 19, 2023
Good morning!

First time posting.
I've been lurking within these forums for many months to learn everything I could before I purchased my solar system. This site is an excellent learning tool.
I've been fortunate enough to find all the answers to my questions by searching and found I don't know everything - hence this post.
One of my six batteries gave me fits when I was top balancing my batteries. When I would turn on the breaker, the battery would go into protection mode
and now is always in alarm. The remaining five batteries charged well and are now in use.

Below is a pair of screenshots from the BMS tools app.
First time I looked into the issue -
Battery Fault.png

And today's screenshot -

Screenshot 2023-05-21 072359.png

Not sure what to do - suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
Following up with more data.
I did find a thread where someone found the resistor disconnected - figures I'd find something after posting.
I found the following inside mine disconnected. Hope I didn't just void my warranty.


It still didn't make any difference in the BMS tool report, but there is no longer an alarm. Guess that is a positive sign!
Still concerned about the report.
52.73 on the display.
52.74 on my multimeter at the terminals.

Thank you for responding!
Reset the BMS and then charge it to full.
Does it accept a full charge?
Reset using the small reset button on the faceplate or power cycle?
If using the small reset button, is it like other devices where you have to hold the button down for XX seconds?
Sorry if the questions seem dumb - there is nothing in the manual about resetting them.

There is no question that is dumb! we all are learning here! :)

There should be a hole ... I used a toothpic to press it in momentarily with the BMS on. It will reboot.

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diy solar