diy solar

diy solar

Battery rack improvements.

I like compression too, but Eve looks like they’re trying to detail a torture device. IMG_1504.jpeg
Yes it could be argued that compressing with non compliant fr4 sheets etc is creating pressure hotspots in the face of the cells. So in that case having the cells freestanding with some insulating material between them would be better. I think the Victron LFP batteries are just cells in a plastic case.
I'm not saying that compressing is bad. It's just a waste of time and materials.
If you are pushing the cells hard enough to benefit from compressing. (Like in an EV) you have way undersized your "storage" battery.
A solar storage battery, should (at the minimum) make it through the night.
Which would result in not pushing it hard enough to worry about anything except calendar aging. And since we can't stop time, no point in worrying about it.
Soon battery compression is going to become a political issue too, like abortion and climate change :ROFLMAO:
A vote for the orange man would hopefully result in less red tape for us DIY ESS folk.

Meanwhile the dedicated/solar refugees are moving to Kansas where NEC requirements are way back in the dark ages.
It's not.
For solar storage, calendar aging is the only enemy.
But, if you are building an EV, then compression might help.
So why would anyone pay a premium for EV grade batteries for storage vs less expensive “grade B?”
So why would anyone pay a premium for EV grade batteries for storage vs less expensive “grade B?”
I know when people bought the grade b aesc 305?Ah cells from 18650batterystore back in the day quite a few had problems with bloat?
Ya, but can buy a lot more storage with the money saved…
True, and some do go that route.
I prefer to buy the better quality and let my grandchildren deal with it, when they need replacing.
A vote for the orange man would hopefully result in less red tape for us DIY ESS folk.

Meanwhile the dedicated/solar refugees are moving to Kansas where NEC requirements are way back in the dark ages.
A little birdie told me, that a new battery technology is waiting on the election results. Present powers at be, won’t protect patents from foreign competition. If it remains status quo, it’ll just move to China to start with instead of getting screwed by both countries and going out of business. “Paraphrasing”
I was at $78 per cell for rept 280Ah. For me it doesn't make sense to pay $95.50 for an eve 280k v3.
Kinda wondering what the performance difference and degradation is like between these. Any data yet or too soon?
A little birdie told me, that a new battery technology is waiting on the election results. Present powers at be, won’t protect patents from foreign competition. If it remains status quo, it’ll just move to China to start with instead of getting screwed by both countries and going out of business. “Paraphrasing”

There is ALWAYS a new battery technology waiting in the wings regardless and the people with patents generally want to make money from them now before it is stolen. Doesn't matter what happens certain patents won't protect the knowledge. And with any new tech the time from release to copy is about 6 months
There is ALWAYS a new battery technology waiting in the wings regardless and the people with patents generally want to make money from them now before it is stolen. Doesn't matter what happens certain patents won't protect the knowledge. And with any new tech the time from release to copy is about 6 months
True, waiting is a risk. However if you have spent millions on unique anode or cathode treatments, without proper backing and planning, submitting a patent is simply an open supermarket for thieves. Many have gone broke defending their patents.

diy solar

diy solar