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diy solar

Biden Thread #2

Some say part of 25th amendment. Harris is more unfit then him. It almost seems she has been running the country by all the screwed up crap anyway. They won’t allow johnson to get it and glad because he is a rino.
I can be a witness to that. We order groceries online….in last month half basically same exact items per order went up $15.00 and that was even with 2 items left out. Last 1.5 months $15 increase and buying less. Meat is higher as well as many other things …..

Biden sucks. The 40 or 50 million ppl that voted for Biden in 2020 should be ashamed of themselves. I highly doubt Biden had 81 million voters
Who thinks allowing over a million illegals a year is "cracking down?"

Obuma Biden joe and jill hillary clinton Soros… george and alex….
That is the short list do I win a prize. There use to be lot of prizes the illegal aliens are getting them and usuals are getting cut off.
If Biden doesn't go willingly, the 25th amendment is another option .... The problem is that in this case, Kamala would become president .... and they don't want that.
Hillary has fallen out of favor and Trump already beat her once.

I never saw any black eyes so he did not do a very good job of beating her.... :p
The word on the street is that Obama and Ron Klain .... considered to be the 2 most powerful people in the Democrat party right now are actively trying to convince Biden to step down. The fight right now is between those 2 and Jill Biden.
Many are going all-in that Biden WILL NOT be the Democrat nominee.

The question is who will replace him and when it will happen. Some think that they want to make the switch immediately, some think as late in the game as possible so there isn't time for the Republicans to pivot to the replacement .... take advantage of the "sweetheart" period when people will just be so glad to see Joe gone and not focused on the downsides of the replacement.

Seems to me that the Republicans should step up and force the 25th amendment .... Biden clearly isn't fit to be President and presents a clear and present danger to the country.
I'm not predicting they will do that ..... I just think if they had any real spine that is what they would do.
The word on the street is that Obama and Ron Klain .... considered to be the 2 most powerful people in the Democrat party right now are actively trying to convince Biden to step down. The fight right now is between those 2 and Jill Biden.
Many are going all-in that Biden WILL NOT be the Democrat nominee.

The question is who will replace him and when it will happen. Some think that they want to make the switch immediately, some think as late in the game as possible so there isn't time for the Republicans to pivot to the replacement .... take advantage of the "sweetheart" period when people will just be so glad to see Joe gone and not focused on the downsides of the replacement.

Seems to me that the Republicans should step up and force the 25th amendment .... Biden clearly isn't fit to be President and presents a clear and present danger to the country.
I'm not predicting they will do that ..... I just think if they had any real spine that is what they would do.
unfortunately it has to be his cabinet members who invoke the 25th. that or I think a super majority of both houses.

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diy solar