diy solar

diy solar


We Were "Deceived & Gaslit For Years", All In The Name Of "Democracy"; Then "Poof", It Collapsed Overnight​

The Editor at Large for the Wall Street Journal, Gerry Baker, says: ‘We’ve been “gaslit’ and deceived” – for years – “all in the name of ‘democracy’”. That deceit “collapsed” with the Presidential debate, Thursday’.
Bullshit, they were not gaslit or deceived, they were the ones trying to gaslight and deceive the US public. we need a civil war, but not one over race, religion, or wealth, but over something much more important. That of eliminating those who use their positions to lie to the American public in an attempt to control the US in a fashion that is not, was not in line with how the country was originally setup.

Those that we voted for are unfortunately safe, as they were legitimately voted in, the special interest lobbyists and the MSM were not, and they should be the main targets. The attempts to use media and the education system to destroy the US must be met with force, people need to march on the major metro areas, and terminate the lives of those who have been doing this. this includes everyone in the MSM and about 90% of the so called educators.
Bullshit, they were not gaslit or deceived, they were the ones trying to gaslight and deceive the US public. we need a civil war, but not one over race, religion, or wealth, but over something much more important. That of eliminating those who use their positions to lie to the American public in an attempt to control the US in a fashion that is not, was not in line with how the country was originally setup.

Those that we voted for are unfortunately safe, as they were legitimately voted in, the special interest lobbyists and the MSM were not, and they should be the main targets. The attempts to use media and the education system to destroy the US must be met with force, people need to march on the major metro areas, and terminate the lives of those who have been doing this. this includes everyone in the MSM and about 90% of the so called educators.

I agree with you fully.
I just posted to show how insane the system is and how shameless they are in the lying and gasliting

diy solar

diy solar