diy solar

diy solar

Build over time. Need advice.


New Member
Dec 19, 2019
I recently had to move into my van ahead of schedule, meaning the build wasn’t ready yet. Having to allocate by budget to different parts of the build, I can’t afford an entire solar set up. Any advice on how I could progressively build up components, upgrading by priority.

First thing I need to power is ventilation and charging small things like phones, rechargeable lights/fans. Eventually I want to be able to power a fridge/instapot/blender. Ideally my goals is to be able to power a PA system (I play music for a living) and charge an electric skateboard or something.

Is it possible to build something I can scale on the go? Would you recommend I go “big” on certain components to allow room for future upgrades? Should I upgrade my alternator and existing battery first, or add on now?

Where should I even start?
How much ventilation? A small fan, or the vehicles ventilation system? Huge difference there. To answer your question, yes, you can absolutely get say a 200 watt kit on Amazon, or whatever works for your location, and expand from there. I think that's how most DIYers get started. I did.
Simplest for starters would probably be a second battery, with an isolator (available at RV places) and run your new accessories from the second battery.. The isolator lets the second battery charge along with the vehicle battery when the vehicle is running, but lets you use the second battery without discharging the primary (engine starting) battery...even if you run the second battery flat, the primary battery will be full to start the vehicle and recharge both batteries).
You can add solar panels, chargers, etc. later as funds permit.
Your first step should be to design what you want to end up with. You may not buy it all at once but this will help you avoid buying something that you can't use later. As you investigate each purchase, you can ask yourself if you will be able to use it later or have to replace it later.

Batteries are the most expensive component and it is tricky to add new batteries to your old bank later on. If you can possibly afford it, buy the batteries you think you will need in the long term.

Simplest for starters would probably be a second battery, with an isolator (available at RV places) and run your new accessories from the second battery.. The isolator lets the second battery charge along with the vehicle battery when the vehicle is running, but lets you use the second battery without discharging the primary (engine starting) battery...even if you run the second battery flat, the primary battery will be full to start the vehicle and recharge both batteries).
You can add solar panels, chargers, etc. later as funds permit.

Be carefull with battery isolators. If you have the same type of battery on both sides, you will be fine. However, if you have different kinds of batteries on your house side, you might not be charging them correctly....and that can kill them. In addition, if you aren't careful, you can burn out your alternator if your house batteries draw to much charging current.

I recommend using DC-DC chargers instead. They give you much better control of what is happening to house batteries (This is what Will recommends as well)

diy solar

diy solar