diy solar

diy solar

Buying / Using cracked panels - Anyone ever use them long term?


Solar Addict
Sep 3, 2022
I'm thinking about picking up a pallet of cracked 400w Canadian Solar bifacial panels. They are about $25 a piece. I don't know how bad they are cracked but I'm looking to use them for a roof over wood sheds.

I have some old panels from Santan that have had water intrusion/corrosion for years and they work fine. My panel strings will be low voltage, under 50v.

Looking for any thoughts before I pick them up.
Buy a solar panel testor, and test each panel before purchase.

As long as the panels are in an easy to access place (roof over one story high wood shed), it would be easy to replace if it fails.
Well, I can’t buy 4x8 sheets of plywood for $25 so if you are just looking for roofing material then I suppose they are fine if somewhat fragile.

If your time in fetching (or cost of shipping), sorting, installing, debugging, swapping panels that become defective in the future, etc is near zero, then it might work.

By the time I got my panels installed with hired help I never want to visit the roof again!

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diy solar