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BYE BYE Tucker...

Watch out, Big Daddy Worm Tanuki the Idiot is coming for your cookie.
the second you rely upon ad hominem attacks you have lost the debate. and you know it... the rest of what you are trying to convey is just bluster.... you are projecting your own ills and sins upon others... please see a therapist, quickly before you decide to cut off your dangly bits.
the second you rely upon ad hominem attacks you have lost the debate. and you know it... the rest of what you are trying to convey is just bluster.... you are projecting your own ills and sins upon others... please see a therapist, quickly before you decide to cut off your dangly bits.

Yup. He's sliding into mental-illness with all his free time post-retirement.

I would be out traveling like crazy, after I got sick of that and grew tired I would then come up with an amazing vegetable garden like my retired old neighbor has.

Lots of lefties resent adulthood and thus are just grateful they don't have to go do a job they hate anymore but because they are lefties they don't really have any plans after they retire....they hadn't thought of that. :eek: They just end up going cuckoo. They bother neighbors over small noises, things in their yards etc. Now they have the internet so that is their old man on a front porch scenario.
Here is an article about a Tucker interview in Switzerland. I'll post a link to it an a couple of snippets.
If anyone finds video of the interview please post it.
I'd suggest reading the entire interview if you really want to know what Tucker is all about.

Here's the lead in to the interview.




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Another snippet.

By the way, Joe Biden has dementia and is not running the United States. So, that raises the obvious question: “Who is?”

Weltwoche: Who is?

I would assume Barack Obama through his cutouts who work for Joe Biden. But I don't know that. The New York Times hasn't bothered to report on it, but Joe Biden has dementia. He's not capable of speaking a complete sentence much less running the largest organization in human history, which is the US government. The whole premise is ridiculous, and now they're telling us? He's 80 years old. He can barely speak. He can barely walk. And he's going to run, again, for president of the United States while there's a war going on? The whole thing is so demented that we're moving to the point where they're not trying to convince anybody. They're just trying to suppress and arrest people who ask questions. They've arrested dozens of people, of political opponents, not for committing crimes, but for opposing them in the past month. Dozens in the past month.

Our system is collapsing in real time. We're watching this happen. If you read the American media, it's stories about Kim Kardashian and lots of irrelevant crap about trannies and all this stuff. The bottom line is the president of the United States is non compos mentis.

Who is running the government? If you can't answer that question, you're not doing your job in the media, it would seem to me. Whatever.

Weltwoche: You landed a great scoop with your interview with former President Donald Trump, which went on the air just as the Republican candidates were holding their first debate on your previous channel, Fox. Back in 2018, when you and I first met for an interview, Trump had been in office for almost two years. And you told me your assessment that, at that juncture, "Trump is not capable"as US president. You referenced the border — he didn't build the wall enough — as an example. If Trump succeeds in making a triumphant return to the White House, do you think he can be effective?

No. Of course, I don't know. I'd merely be speculating. I think his first term as president proved it's pretty hard to run an organization, millions of people, when most of them are paid to oppose you, which they are. There are unionized federal employees whose jobs depend on the other party. So, the system, itself, is pretty difficult for someone who seeks to reform the system.

At this point, however, they're trying to put Trump in prison for the crime of running against Joe Biden. I'm just speaking in my capacity as a voter. That's all I need to know.

Do I think if Trump were to take over, tomorrow, that he would make the CIA accountable to voters? No, I don't. Do I think he'd build a wall? I don't know. I hope so.

I know that you cannot allow, you absolutely cannot allow a political party to use our system of justice to imprison the president's chief opponent. You can't do that. That's just absolutely not allowed.

From my perspective, that's what this election's about. Are we going to allow that, or aren't we? And I just don't think we can.
Couldn't resist another.
Weltwoche: In general, what gives you hope in a rather worrisome time, looking into the future?

That the stakes have suddenly gotten so high that smart people are rethinking their assumptions. I see it all around me. I see people all around me asking themselves, “I used to believe this. Is it still true? Was it ever true? What is the truth?” People are focused on questions of truth and falsehood, I think, much more deeply than they ever have been, and that's a good thing.

I also see an awakening of spiritual awareness and religious faith in the United States that I think is great. Not everyone is reaching the same conclusions that I'm reaching, but that's okay. It's better than thinking that Amazon's going to make you happy, because Amazon is not going to make you happy, actually. That's not true. That's a lie. And more and more people seem to be concluding that it's a lie, and I think that's a great thing.

There's this idea that somehow the main threat to our happiness is from religious people. That's absurd. The main threat to our happiness is from people who think they're God. They're the dangerous ones. If you think that you're God, there's no limit to what you'll do because you think you're the final arbiter, you're the final judge, you're all-powerful. That's terrifying.

I'm much more comfortable around religious people. I'm a Christian, but they don't have to share my views. As I just said, I was actually meeting with some people the other day. There was a call to prayer right in the middle of our meeting, and everyone got up and got on their knees and faced toward Mecca and worshiped Allah. Twenty years ago, I would've thought, “Oh my gosh, how threatening!” Now, I thought, “How wonderful. How great is that?”
I have no idea Tucker is referencing in this interview .... what is the "dark" aspect of the UFO phenomena?

Whatever it is, if true, seems like it might have the capability of trumping everything else.

Have you came across project blue beam yet? It's a rabbit hole I quickly got out of because it was to deep... Chills typing it...
Have you came across project blue beam yet? It's a rabbit hole I quickly got out of because it was to deep... Chills typing it...
No I haven't ..... but will probably not be able to resist the temptation to look it up now ..... thanks a LOT. ;)

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