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diy solar

Can LiFePo Batteries Freeze?


New Member
Mar 19, 2022
I've been taking my LiFePo batteries out of my RV the last couple of years when I winterize it and storing them in the garage where there's no chance they'll freeze. But this year my beloved asked me why, if they're not going to be charged at low temps (she has apparently been paying more attention than I thought she was to my whole "aren't LiFePo batts wonderful" conversation), why not leave them in the rig. I started to give what I thought was a smart answer and realized I didn't have one.
So, knowing that leaving my LiFePo batteries in the RV will almost certainly result in freezing them, is that a bad thing? They would NOT be charged in any way during that time, so that isn't the concern. It's simply, they will be frozen, and before you ask, yes, we get sub-zero temps here in the PNW.
Thank you in advance for your always informative responses.
32°F is where LFP chemistry gets "sluggish." Charging may result in Lithium being permanently plated and lost thus losing capacity.

It's not because they literally freeze. The electrolyte is a chemical soup that freezes at a much lower temperature.

Depends on how cold it gets.

indicates it varies by manufacturer, but theirs are good down to -15°F.

My NMC batteries have seen -6°F while in operation. There were not charged at that level, but they did discharge.
I'm very interested in this thread. I too remove my LFP batteries every winter. We're a bit colder than PNW. The last 2 winters we have seen -30 for a few days.
Is there any valid data on a LFP at -35 for 48 hours? Pure storage no loads, no charge. Undoing a ground wire is way easier than the contortions required in removing and storing them in a semi headed room (45 degrees)
There so many folks on U-tube that seem to enjoy ripping perfectly good batteries apart to show us battery voyeurs whats inside. Instead of that cycle a battery couple of times to establish its validity, then chuck it in a commercial freezer (-40) for a few days, let it warm to room temp and repeat the cycle testing
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diy solar