diy solar

diy solar

Can this breaker from AliExpress be used to disconnect a solar array?

Yes but.... They don't appear to be UL listed so if you are getting inspected it may not pass.
You can't go wrong with a Midnite breaker and if you use a torque screwdriver, I'd bet that combination last a lifetime.
Can this breaker from AliExpress be used to disconnect a solar array?

Hi, I would recommend looking at this DIY Forum's thread,
where you can find valuale information regarding your concern.

One particular issue with DC circuit breakers is the polarity

Yes but.... They don't appear to be UL listed so if you are getting inspected it may not pass.

This is an intersting video reviewing the specifications
of a circuit breaker, and in paticular (at 1:44) the Tripping Curve.

May i recommend Midnite for breakers and boxes.
Lots of posts on here about failed/melted cheap breakers.
Buy quality if you can.

Yes, absolutly. There is an excelent video from bigclivedotcom showing
the inside and various parts of a DC circuit breaker:

Note: A really important part to protect against are short circuits.

Miniature circuit breaker might provide a good Vdc isolation,​
but might not be able to break the internal arc for a high Amp short circuit.​
Using additional fuses that can break high currents is strongly recommende.​
(See IEC 60947-2 if you really want to learn more about DC circuit breakers)​
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diy solar

diy solar