diy solar

diy solar

Charge Controller not sending power to Battery 🤔


New Member
Jan 8, 2022
Hi all newbie to Solar and probably an easy fix for you in the know but I have a Renogy 100W lightweight portable panel and a separate Renogy 20amp Voyager Charge Controller, problem is the Charge controller doesn't seem to be putting any charge into the battery .
What I can tell you is when all is connected I get all the correct lights on the controller but when I check my shunt and BMS neither are showing and amps input to the battery.
I tried the set up not connected to the battery and got 18v at the input side of the charger controller but no voltage on the output side, when all connected controller shows 13.3v with 1.2 amp being drawn ( very dull day just for test purposes) if anyone van throw any light on it would appreciate it
Is the battery already charged?

You won’t measure any voltage out of the controller unless it is connected to a battery
Is the battery already charged?

You won’t measure any voltage out of the controller unless it is connected to a battery
Hi Mark, battery was at approx 65% SOC although only drawing 1.2 amps through the Charge Controller should that have not been showing on the BMS app and the Smart Shunt app ?
Hi Mark, battery was at approx 65% SOC although only drawing 1.2 amps through the Charge Controller should that have not been showing on the BMS app and the Smart Shunt app ?

How did you determine it was at 65%? I ask because depending on where that came from, it may not be accurate. You said only 1.2 amp on the charge controller, but also said it was a dull day. However, the shunt should have been showing something.
@Backupjack Pictures of your system when it is all connected would be helpful. That way people can spot if there's anything that needs to be adjusted in the wiring.
Hi Mark, battery was at approx 65% SOC although only drawing 1.2 amps through the Charge Controller should that have not been showing on the BMS app and the Smart Shunt app ?
65% SOC was taken from the BMS app and the Battery Monitor Mark , neither showing any input
@Backupjack Pictures of your system when it is all connected would be helpful. That way people can spot if there's anything that needs to be adjusted in the wiring.
Out on the road at the minute Bob and bad weather is hitting for the next week or so will make it a bit difficult to get any photos as I will have to empty out my garage area