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diy solar

Daly 4s 120A Manual


New Member
Jul 15, 2020

Can you please share a manual/complete spec document for the Daly 4s 120A BMS?


I don't believe there is a manual, best bet is to contact Daly through their official Alibaba store or elsewhere and see if they have anything. Most of these chinese commodity BMS' do not have manuals publicly available. It seems the most comprehensive information is usually on the product page from the official store, but this leaves a lot to be desired and isn't always accurate for all models.
I don't believe there is a manual, best bet is to contact Daly through their official Alibaba store or elsewhere and see if they have anything. Most of these chinese commodity BMS' do not have manuals publicly available. It seems the most comprehensive information is usually on the product page from the official store, but this leaves a lot to be desired and isn't always accurate for all models.
:\ Thanks. I was hoping to find clarity on how the balancing function works...
I think the manufacturer is somewhat responsive, I would reach out to them with your questions and report back here what you learn

diy solar

diy solar