diy solar

diy solar

DC meter with wifi


New Member
Mar 17, 2022
Hi, everyone. Been doing a ton of reading on this forum - so much great info here. Making my first foray into solar with an off grid DC pool pump. I've acquired 6 Sunpower 327W panels, and a Vevor 1200W 72V pump. The pump comes with its own MPPT controller, and I'm going to use a combiner box to make all connections. The only thing I'm missing is some sort of meter - I would like to be able to monitor the system's production remotely via wifi. I see lots of devices that will monitor AC current and voltage, but DC, not so much. Anyone have a recommendation for a device? I'm going to connect the panels in 2S 3P configuration, so will need to be able to handle 108V, 18A DC. Thanks in advance.

diy solar

diy solar