diy solar

diy solar

determine output Voltage of a pannel

Jim Burrow

Solar Enthusiast
Jun 27, 2020
I’m keeping my eye open for solar panels. So I’m getting updates from eBay, Amazon, Yahoo on solar panels. But they all will not tell you the Operating voltage (Voc). They only give you the wattage and number of cells in the panel.

Is there a formula you use to calculate the Voc when you just know the number of cells and wattage? - what are they hiding?
You can add up the cells in the panels and come up with a voltage spec, but there is always the possiblity that the panel is wired as two smaller parallel panels (12v panel) and other odd things so there's no clear way. If they don't tell you the specs, don't buy it.

I'm with gnubie. Don't buy anything that doesn't offer complete specs unless the brand is 100% certain, and you can verify specs on the data sheet.

Don't mix and match and cobble together a bunch of different panels from different sources unless you're buying the exact same brand/model of panel from different sources.