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Deye 5KW inverter/installation related questions


New Member
Apr 12, 2024
Hi all,
I am a newbie to this group, so please forgive me if I am out of line with my question pertaining to a solar installation comprising of the Deye 5KW inverter:

1. I initially will set up the system for off grid, which would require neutral earth bonding at the inverter side. I am aware the inverter has a grid input on whose lines a current transformer needs to be installed. I chose not to connect the grid lines at this time. I am also aware that the Victron inverters allow a normal 220V output from an AC socket to be used to charge the battery on their system that is installed off grid. Should my system battery be low, can I connect a normal 220V socket output to the grid input of my Deye inverter, and will removal of the neutral earth bond be required? Or will this burn any of the wiring in my home and trip the earth leakage on the main DB board?

Thank you for a valuable and most useful forum!
In an off-grid system, if you batteries are low, you need external power to charge them. Putting a charger on the grid input of the deye doesn't help.

If you have grid available, but don't want to connect to it, then get a Chargeverter to charge the battery from grid or generator.
Thank you so much for the reply DIYrich, I really appreciate it. Please can I pick your brain and tap into your expertise on another question related to the installation pertaining to the current transformer (CT). If I decide to eventually connect the grid lines to the grid input of the Deye inverter (necessitating the removal of the neutral-earth bond at the inverter), I will need to install a CT on the live wire of grid point right where it enters my main DB. My limited understanding is that the inverter uses the output of the CT to determine if there is power coming from the grid or not. Depending on the settings chosen in the inverter setup as to whether to export power to the CT or to the load, the grid lines from the Deye inverter can operate in a bi-directional manner and in this case it can send excess power to the non-essential connected to the grid line if there is no grid power.

My confusion is this: Will there be any difference in this inverter operation based on where I mount the CT transformer? Should I decide to mount the CT on the grid input right at the inverter, will the operation not remain the same for the inverter, as it is still using the CT to sense wherether power is coming in from the grid or not. I am unsure if the inverter will be able to power the non-essential loads in this set up though.

Should I only want to ever power the essential loads from my solar system, would it be a problem if the CT is connected to the grid lines and housed right in the inverter? In this case, I will not be requiring the bi-direction capability of the grid connection of the inverter which can also power up the non-essential loads when the grid is down.

Sincere apologies with my really long question and limited understanding. I appreciate all your wisdom. Thank you!
Connect the inverter to the grid via a fuse. Install the CT correctly on that LIVE input wire. Turn off (If you want to) the grid by turning off the fuse. When you need the grid, just turn on the fuse.
No need to bond anything unless you have special conditions/regulations in your country that says so.
All this is clearly shown in the blue Deye original manual (with cabling schemas) that came with your inverter.
Thank you so much LydMekk, much appreciated. Just a follow up question to your answer: Does it matter where the CT is connected on the Live input wire. That is, does it have to be on the grid live input wire at the DB side, or can it be on the grid input wire at the inverter side? My main DB and inverter are over 30m apart. Thank you so much LydMekk.
Sorry LydMekk, just another important point that came to mind.....Here in South Africa, we have a neutral-earth bond at the main DB. So if I am running the Deye inverter in the off-grid mode, then I will have to create a neutral-earth bond at the inverter. If I go with you suggestion of installing a switch/fuse to either switch in or switch out the grid power to the inverter, how will I correctly accomplish the neutral-earth bond in this case. I am aware that there can only be one neutral-earth bond in the circuit, either at the main DB or the inverter. When the grid is connected to the inverter, then there must be no neutral-earth bond at the inverter, and when the grid is disconnected via the switch, then there has to be a neutral-earth bond at the inverter. How will I able to "switch in and out" the earth-neutral bond at the inverter depending on whether the grid is connected or not to the inverter? Many thanks and sincere apologies for the lengthy questions.
Your questions are answered in the manual download the manual and read it then you have the correct answers.

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