diy solar

diy solar

deye 5kw


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
Hi everyone. if you guys Deye users please mention here issues you had
and how long you been used. i gonna purchase inverter as my primery device but bit confused about lifespan :). thank you guys !
I have been using it over a year. Superb inverter. Customer service is also good.
I am using a 8kw inverter just a new user like 2-3 months any hint how to change time zone? Bcz in my country we have summer time and winter time and my inverter always using summer time +1 hr
Installing 3 x 8K Deye inverters now. House connect tomorrow ^^
So far seems like very good technical quality.
Edit: Tomorrow ^^ :)
Very nice when running. Silent compared to my old Growatts.
Sending AC around the house - less noise again compared to the old ones.
When battery is empty and they switch over to AC for loads and charge the batteries during nighttime, the phase indicated through the house (on units/filters that can show correct phase or not) are now showing correct phase - which they never did with the Growatts.
Also with AC input there was a lot of transmitted line noise with the Growatts. The type that makes windings, coils etc. "sing". This even with the Growatts in UPS mode to tighten the AC in quality.
This are not happening with the Deye. Complete silence. Seems the AC filtering/cleanup/sinus is performing way better.

Very happy so far with my 3 Deyes. Seems like a high quality product. Me likey! :D
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I have had 3 x 5k Deye SG04LP1 inverters in for nearly 6 months.

The only complaints are the sub-par technical support you get from Deye because of the language barrier, although they are quick to respond and offer you solutions, it can be very difficult to explain the situation/problem to them. (all my support has come via Whatsapp).

And I had some weird parallel communications issues with my inverters to start with. But this seems to be completely fixed with a firmware update to all 3 inverters. I haven't had anymore trips since.

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diy solar