diy solar

diy solar

Deye inverter help please, parallel wiring issue

Finally I am up and running properly. Here are the final resolution items that had to be resolved.

The inverters indeed needed to be updated. Deye was able to do this remotely which allowed the inverters to communicate properly.
The CT scanners were not working, I had to buy some to fit on the incoming power lines and they were not good making buzzing noise. My run is about 185 ft away so Deye was saying this would not work but luckily the length of run was not the issue. I ordered the 200AMP CT scanners from SOl-ARK and installed them with the CT's connected right on the incoming power lines from the grid with the arrows facing the grid. Now my power consumption is reading correctly and batteries are operating correctly. SolARK actually recommend Cat6 cable when running up to 400ft away. I used double cat5 runs so each conductor has 4 cat 5 wires ran making the effective gauge about 16 gauge vs 20 gauge.

Thank you everyone for the help as I am very relieved to finally have it up and running properly.
Hello everyone. I am knew to this forum but have read many post through the years. I have an issue that I cannot resolve and am hoping I can get some help.

I recently completed having the solar installed on my home. System includes (4) Deye US version of the 8KW inverters, 62 500w panels, 4 powerwall batteries. For the first 5 weeks I have ran them as independent inverters without batteries in "selling first" mode and they have produced wonderfully. Now though I want my 4 powerwall batteries to be able to provide power if the grid goes down and also to provide power during Time of use. Here is where the issues occur.

I installed two CT scanners and placed them between the main breaker and the city with arrows pointed toward inverters direction of flow. I connected all the inverters with the supplied cat 5 and changed them to be wires in parallel with the main inverter (master) receiving the feed from the (2) CT units and then each of the other 3 inverters set to 02, 03 and 04 in parallel mode. I selected lithium battery and have all turned on with the time of use set up as well.
On to the issue.
When I change the setting to "Zero Export to CT" and also select "Solar Sell" the power being generated by the solar panels completely drops off to almost nothing, somewhere in the range of .04kw. If I change back to "selling first" then the power the solar produced jump up back to normal. Basically for the life of me I cannot find out how to program them so that the batteries work properly with solar working with the batteries and parallel in zero export to CT with solar sell on working.

Any input as to what I am doing wrong or how to resolve?

If it helps, my goal is to allow the batteries to supply power during peak time and if grid goes down at any time. I do not want to supply battery power back to the grid but do want to supply solar power back to the grid.

Any help would be much appreciated. I have tried Deye customer support and they simply do not respond.

Thank you!
First, you need to understand meaning of Zero Export to CT. There is no way the inverter will "Sell" if Zero Export is enabled.

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diy solar