diy solar

diy solar

Deye weird zero export to CT behavior

I also need help with my deye 8kW inverter. I have a solar system that is grid tied. I have batteries and deye that's plugged into a 50A outlet. I want to use the deye like a energy storage. Deye CT's are conencted to the main panel to sense power in/out. From 00:00 to 05:00, i set it up to charge from grid to 85%. From 09:00 to 16:05 I set it to maintain 85%. From 16:05 to 21:00, I want it to supplement the grid from battery as needed. If there's excess solar, use it to keep battery topped up. Then from 21:00 to midnight, use battery to power loads. Any one have suggestion on how to configure this on the deye?
If that's still acutal, I'd be happy to help.
Can you please clarify what exactly you mean by 'supplement the grid from battery as needed'. It's quite confusing to me.
Also it's not clear to me if you have additional grid-tied solar system or you referring to your hybrid deye solar inverter which is connected to the grid
Could you please guys tell me how to make CT connections and set of my Deye inverter to achieve the above (if possible at all!). Your help is much appreciated as I don't want to damage my inverter.
For that use case you don't really require CTs I suppose. I imagined myself being in such a situation, and what I'd do is the following.
(I assume that your inverter output power is enough to power all your needs. If it's not the case, then I should rethink the whole setup)

In case of frequent blackouts all of my loads should be connected to the inverter. Because inverter can power just what's connected to it's 'Load' output.
Next, it should be configured to be used in 'Zero export to Load' mode. Ensure that checkbox 'Solar sell' is unchecked. In this mode it won't push any excess energy to grid. It's not 100% accurate in that, it tried to do it best, but it might sometimes consume or export tiny amounts of energy, like 10-50W. Overall it shouldn't be very noticable.

In 'time of use' screen you can configure the usage pattern according to your description. Ensure that Time of Use checkbox is 'checked'. Refer to the manual to make a relevant setup for you.

You should check the manual for exact meaning of 'Battery first' vs 'Load first' strategies of using the solar power and choose the option that suit your needs best. In battery first mode it uses available solar to charge the battery as fast as battery allows it to, while excess solar energy is used to cover Load consumption. If Load consumes more than solar panels can provide - it will take additional energy from the grid.

In Load first mode it would prioritize Load consumption from the solar, and all the excess solar power is pushed to battery if it can accept it. So it might take battery longer to charge in some scenarios but might reduce buying energy (i.e. increase utilization of solar power). And it increases risk that next blackout will be with undercharged battery. You can try few strategies and pick the one that works best for your specific situation

Hope that helps
Next, it should be configured to be used in 'Zero export to Load' mode. Ensure that checkbox 'Solar sell' is unchecked. In this mode it won't push any excess energy to grid. It's not 100% accurate in that, it tried to do it best, but it might sometimes consume or export tiny amounts of energy, like 10-50W.
Have you been able to verify that even in 'Zero export to Load' mode, Deye will occasionally export small amounts of energy?
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