diy solar

diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

The right didn’t care until transgenders went after the kids.
There are sufficient laws to deal with pedophiles, you do not have to ban religious groups because 4% of the leaders have been accused of pedophilia

So why are you persecuting transgender people?
There are sufficient laws to deal with pedophiles, you do not have to ban religious groups because 4% of the leaders have been accused of pedophilia

So why are you persecuting transgender people?
There are sufficient laws to deal with criminals and mentally ill too
Figured would take my time and ask a tranny why do you like to pretend to be a woman. Do you think a straight man will screw you? ?????
Figured would take my time and ask a tranny why do you like to pretend to be a woman. Do you think a straight man will screw you? ?????
Why are you even interested to know if they are or not? Are you considering coming out of the closet?

You have some really weird fantasies...
why does Soros cause so much evil shit then want to ban guns? It is his nazi youth coming out AshkeNAZI

Why are you such a dishonest person. Do you play a meat flute? Ever stare a dick in the eye? I bet you have kissed a few brown eye…. What a 100 or more? Were you paid by those men or was it free during toilet paper shortage? Pucker pucker ?????

Edit Added since left it out first go round and been stated over and over: LOCK up all Pedo….. How many times must that be stated. You act like it is one sided. Registered Pedo offenders are not allowed within so many yards of children anyway depending on where sentenced once released from prison. They violate that law all the time. Only way to stop them is keep locked up.
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View attachment 145266
Quite telling that you oppose those things..
He supports antifa and blm no thanks. He changed the election process time and time again Here and abroad. Strange but Israel has him banned from being there. You really do live in a vacuum. Pull your head out of your ass for some fresh air and eat something besides your own shit.IMG_2518.jpeg
He supports antifa and blm no thanks. He changed the election process time and time again Here and abroad. Strange but Israel has him banned from being there. You really do live in a vacuum. Pull your head out of your ass for some fresh air and eat something besides your own shit.View attachment 145269
Did you know George Soros son has been to the Whitehouse 8 times sense Biden got in?
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Did you know George Soros son has been to the Whitehouse 8 times sense Biden got in?
I read that …. Alex is George’s mini me…. I have no like for Soro’s know a whole lot more about George then want to. Most of it bad. Soros is a “nutter” as Leo calls ppl.

I had hoped Covid would get Soros and most of Washington DC. How did all those old creeps make it? Probably hcq or ivermectin
why is the DOJ and FBI HOLDING Up the Nashville murderer’s transgender Manifesto?


diy solar

diy solar