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Domestic Terrorist

... Not publicly known to be trans... So how many haven't came out of the closest publicly...?
Fear of being picked on. Other than me, not one person here has said anything to defend trans people after a trans woman shot up a school, not a single one. Not a single person has claimed that religious people, the police, or right wing politicians who molested children or committed hate crimes should be persecuted because they are leaders of the religious groups, police forces or members of the republican party, not even me.

For fuck sake, THINK!!!!

The issue isn't the guns, it's what people decide to do with the guns.
I am for hunting, target shooting, etc. Just limit the types of weapons and storage of those weapons.

I have a loaded pistol on the corner of my headboard, it hasn't shot me or anyone else and won't discharge unless the trigger is pulled.
Do you have any idea how insane that sounds to me? I don't feel the need to have a loaded pistol anywhere near me. Criminals are more likely to steal the pistol then you using it to defend yourself from people (or ghosts)

Take away the guns and evil will still find a way to be evil.
Take away nukes and and evil will still find a way to be evil.

Plenty of countries don't have guns yet there are still mass acts of violence.
Other countries don't suffer daily mass shootings.

How many of these mass shooters are playing video games like grand theft auto, call of duty etc before there brains are fully developed? I have nothing against video games; I played my fair share many years ago but I spent more time outside riding bikes, building forts, shooting targets with an air rifle, playing paintball, airsoft, football, basketball... You know being a normal kid.
Other nations don't suffer the same number of mass shooting as the US and kids there also play those video games. But I have noticed that Americans do not value human life much.
Leo don’t be a Weiner

we will never know what was on his laptop or Bidens The democrats via Soros control FBI already exposed and known

On September 21, 2016, the Daily Mail published an article claiming that Weiner had engaged in sexting with a 15-year-old girl.[74]It's not known how the Daily Mail learned of this incident as in the Daily Mail article the girl's father says he did not contact the police and this article was used as reason for the FBI and NYPD to begin investigating Weiner. Devices owned by Weiner and Abedin were seized as part of the investigation into this incident.[75] Emails pertinent to the Hillary Clinton email controversy were discovered on Weiner's laptop, prompting FBI Director James Comey to reopen that investigation late into the 2016 US presidential election.[76] Hillary Clinton has cited Comey's decision as one reason why she lost the election to Donald Trump.[77]

On January 31, 2017, The Wall Street Journal reported that federal prosecutors were weighing whether to bring child pornographycharges against Weiner over the incident.[78] On May 19, 2017, The New York Times reported Weiner had surrendered to the FBIthat morning, and under a plea bargain he intended to plead guilty to a single charge of transferring obscene material to a minor.[79]Abedin reportedly filed for divorce prior to his guilty plea.[80] On September 25, 2017, Judge Denise Cote of the Southern District of New York agreed to a plea agreement sentence totaling 21 months in federal prison, three years supervised release, and for Weiner to register as a sex offender.[81] Weiner reported to Federal Medical Center, Devens on November 6.[82] He was released from prison on February 17, 2019,[83] and was ordered to register as a sex offender in April that year.[84]

You and your communism. It fails ever single time.

* Communism and Pollution:

When the Iron Curtain collapsed in November 1989, the world saw for the first time the immense environmental devastation that decades of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe had wrought. Throughout the region, an emphasis on production — without regard for its environmental consequences — had greatly compromised the quality of the air, water, soil, crops, and forestlands. In The Politically Incorrect Guide to Socialism, author Kevin Williamson writes: “By the time the Soviet government collapsed, fully one-sixth of Russia’s territory had been rendered uninhabitable because of pollution and other environmental devastation. Water pollution in particular was extreme–far beyond anything in the capitalist world’s experience …” In 2009, Time magazine listed the world’s ten most polluted cities. Every one of them was in a country with a socialist government or a formerly socialist government; these countries were China, India, Peru, Russia, Ukraine, Zambia, and Azerbaijan.”

china is same polluted conditions and you idiots preach “global climate change” stfu
Most states already have "safe storage" laws, but this kind of craziness still happens...

We have a member here who claims he stores a loaded pistol by his bed...

My personal view is learn to shoot properly and a bolt action rifle should be adequate for if you go hunting. A shotgun is effective if you need to defend your home and less likely to injure neighbors accidentally. But it is sad that you guys have to live in fear of your fellow countrymen. I can understand that fear in the developing world where cops are corrupt, but not in a developed nation like the US.
Ass injected death syndrome Aids

How the Radical Gay Left Caused Hundreds of Thousands of Homosexuals to Die of AIDS​



Additional Resources
In the 1980s and ’90s, more than 300,000 homosexual men died from AIDS. Many, if not most, of their lives could have been saved by the use of widely accepted, time-tested public-health practices that had proven successful in combating previous epidemic diseases. But a campaign of political pressure tactics applied by the radical gay Left made this impossible.”

Assault weapons were rarely used. The assault weapon ban was pushed via the Brady bill when an insane man that is now out of prison - insane asylum shot Reagan with a pistol bought from a jew. The shooter was in love with a lesbian that wanted sex with women not him. Did you know a jew also sold rifle to Oswald. Most religion is tied to jews christianity judaism islam so….. are you antisemitic?

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