diy solar

diy solar

Domestic Terrorist

The shooter attacked his/her former school, and we have no idea what motivated her to attack the school
Was the murderer white was the murderer transgender was the murderer insane was a law passed in Nashville against transgender Yes to all motove established since they won’t release the manifesto. Why won’t they release the manifesto because transgender is govt approved and mass media condoned and promoted. It is the new suck a dick movement. Do you suck suck? I bet you wear a dress too The shooter got mad and murdered ppl could have rented a van and killed more like in previous post above


You and your weird fantasies.
Dream on

You and your weird fantasies. —— Dream on sicko
If the person arrested for the pentagon leak wants to get away with it. This is all he or she pronoun has to do:

diy solar

diy solar