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Domestic Terrorist

And she had a "emotional distorter" that was so bad that she chose to murder kids and adults.
Unfortunately Leo is a typical atheist…. He is loaded down with meme against christians while calling everyone else a discriminator. Typical.

In the Military - dealt with ppl like him all the time. CALLED WALL TO WALL COUNSELING. He is typical euro trash. Probably doesn’t bathe either.…. Stench in a room is him.
Leo go find this guys area and roam around ….. Bragg is the top cop there. You asked about our cops and their training. Tell the criminals in his area you are just a visitor. Expect to go to jail if you defend yourself if assaulted and win. Expect the criminal to be set free right away if you are criminalized by them. Don’t say you were not warned. Best stay away from there and or be afraid guns are restricted there … criminals don’t care about laws. Go find out. The laws against guns is to protect the criminals. It disarms citizens so the criminals can go unopposed and unpunished by Bragg - top cop.

in your case you need to be double afraid:

the fastest way to turn a leftist into a gun toting conservative is let them get mugged a few times. Depending on how dumb you are determines the amount of muggings it will take to convert you. News flash. Criminals don’t obey laws.
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I dont have a problem with that at all.
How do you protect schools more, bullet proof walls, windows?

You can't protect anyone from a motivated mass murderer, especially if their targets are chosen based solely on access and their inability to protect themselves, as is the case in every one of these shootings in the US.

So the question remains, why are we creating this bumper crop of mass murderers in the US?
Actually, I am due to travel to your country again soon and no I will not shut up.
Why come here when we don’t want you. You need to stay in your country where it is safe. I’m not kidding … if you go to wrong places here you won’t go home . An Israel woman went to chicago practicing human rights and was murdered by the same ppl she thought was saving. Stabbed multiple times. That happens all the time here just not reported. Visitors come to cities like Bragg is top cop in NYC area and never go home. He allows criminal behavior with little to no punishment. Read both sides of the story before you go promoting Bragg for charging Trump. Bragg should arrest himself.
Great, so guns in schools are illegal and cops can arrest any one carrying gun in and near a school?
apparently you are one of the few leftist that don’t know the reason why killers choose schools ….. they are usually not guarded well. Gun Free Zones. You are old enough and been paying attention long enough to know this right? Why troll? That is why I am here… if not for ppl trolling then would never have posted here. You were are one of the original spammer trolls.
The person was a former student.
the person chose that school based on little to no security and admitted it. why we need to see the manifesto for everything not bits and pieces that were randomly released to public.
Nope, you are picking on minorities, most likely because of your repressed sexuality and I will continue to stand up to bullies.
Killers are minorities…. My sexuality is my own business just like your or anyone else’s. I can assure you am not gay or any deviant just heterosexual so stop your fantasies. Go back up to 1st response and see what what happens to hero's like you here. The very ppl you are trying save get you.
She tried to tend a mentally ill - black man in chicago.…. Think the person stabbed her multiple times. She should never have been there but she wanted to find out on her own. Naive

problem is your mental derangement of standing up is twisted. The nashville shooter is was a murderer Not only was it bully to christians but it murdered 6 of them in cold blood…. To see all need bully’s manifesto agenda that has not been shared yet obviously you champion the nashville murderer as a victim. Sad
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The actual solution will take decades, and it will involve removing the victim mentality and restoring the idea of personal responsibility in American society. That's why it will never happen, and why the left keeps the focus on the symptom rather than the cause. Without their false victim/oppressor narrative to pit groups of people against other groups they have no power.
The actual solution will take decades, and it will involve removing the victim mentality and restoring the idea of personal responsibility in American society. That's why it will never happen, and why the left keeps the focus on the symptom rather than the cause. Without their false victim/oppressor narrative to pit groups of people against other groups they have no power.
Agreed. One of the many ways the Elites are using the classic divide and conquer strategy.
I hope you don’t encounter a criminal on your visit…..
I will be fine, there are still plenty of decent cops in the US.

head to Chicago and go walking around the inner cities at around mid-night.
I have, there are also parts in the US I wouldn't go even during day time.

See if you get turned into a pumpkin. East St Louis. Memphis near Elvis Presley museum. Or my home town…. Your candy ass will be going back to your country in a box after the criminals: rob stab rape and burn you alive. NYC use to be famous for new arrivals like getting murdered in their sleeping quarters at a 5 star hotel. Or you can just hand them your wallet and suck their dick. If they knock your front teeth out it is not hate it is so they can love you strong all day and night.
Really, that is how bad your country is, even with all the guns around? Other countries are much safer and they don't have the liberal gun laws yours has. Why, what is wrong with Americans?

strange but still got my front teeth.
Why is that strange, don't you have dental health care?

Sucking dick has never been on my mind except thinking about how you would deal with criminals suck suck
And yet you seem obsessed with gay sex, you keep mentioning it, why?
You can't protect anyone from a motivated mass murderer, especially if their targets are chosen based solely on access and their inability to protect themselves, as is the case in every one of these shootings in the US.

So the question remains, why are we creating this bumper crop of mass murderers in the US?
I have no idea, seems to me that you guys don't value human life the way the rest of the Western world does...
I have no idea, seems to me that you guys don't value human life the way the rest of the Western world does...

I guess when people are raised to believe that everything bad that happens in their lives is someone else's fault, and that they deserve things they didn't earn and cannot have them because they are oppressed, eventually they strike out at their perceived oppressors.

As you know, it didn't used to be this way in America despite all the guns. The guns are the same, but the people sure have changed.
I will be fine, there are still plenty of decent cops in the US.

I have, there are also parts in the US I wouldn't go even during day time.
That would be wise again Police normally show up after crime.

Really, that is how bad your country is, even with all the guns around? Other countries are much safer and they don't have the liberal gun laws yours has. Why, what is wrong with Americans?
Most of the bad places have real strictgun laws and crooked George Soro’s supported District Attorney… like Alvin Bragg in NYC. So crime in those areas is allowed. Left run cities always seem to allow criminals to control them …. Geroge Soros promotes criminals such as his sponsored BLM Antifa.

Why is that strange, don't you have dental health care?
why sure we do. Am sure we supplement you health and welfare. We are only 5% of the World population but we are or were filthy Rich and Powerful. Now we are over spent so expect your free plans to stop. You will be forced pay your own way.

And yet you seem obsessed with gay sex, you keep mentioning it, why? Real simple am looking at the real problem as the problem the queer murderer - I am not covering it up or hiding it or promoting it in a positive way after it has done bad things. Our society has been promoting them and that is exactly why the murderers do what they do = to get attention.
The above Murdering christians and children results in this below and the above is pictured as a victim:

The face of queer beer is hurting their sales the transgender promotion is only going to hurt the common workers at Budweiser as ppl boycott it. The CEO that made the decision to reward bad behavior will not be losing out. CEO of budweiser Might even get a promotion for celebrating murder and death with product promotion. Timing.

Where is the nashville killer’s - “queer manifesto?” It planned this because of the TN Laws not allowing transgenders near children while doing show and tell. Why are the authorities not releasing the Manifesto?
I think what Leo doesn’t know is the USA has had Madras Gras - been going on here since the 1700’s and 1800’s women went around topless…. Lot of sexual behavior in public not a place for young kids. Tranny galore. So the recent bad behavior of trannies is inexcusable.
The gay communities are telling the truth - the pedo are hiding in drag to gain access to children. .
sadly real women fought hard to get their rights only to have some tranny aka man in drag steal their Rights.
I guess when people are raised to believe that everything bad that happens in their lives is someone else's fault, and that they deserve things they didn't earn and cannot have them because they are oppressed, eventually they strike out at their perceived oppressors.

As you know, it didn't used to be this way in America despite all the guns. The guns are the same, but the people sure have changed.
Over 600 Mass shootings a year. 1 for every half million of population, it seems way over the top.
It is kind of of obvious when ppl look at their honesty of wanting to rape children. When they say “white supremacy” they mean Christianity that is fighting to keep children from being harmed by them. Christianity besides Islam is only religion they attack. Wonder why? Why don’t they attack Judaism? Why not Buda? Or any other religion? Because the Western World is mostly White and Christian run the White ppl make up about 6-7% of the World Population. White ppl are a minority. White Christians are the one group you best leave their kids alone. Not all Christians are white…. One of the largest religions in the World and white ppl are reported as only ~6.5% of world pop.

What find funny ppl o the left lead insurrection and are rewarded and praised no bad consequences. Why are 6 Jan 2021 still in jail.?

So apparently it is only insurrection when the Left tells ppl it is insurrection. Got it.
Kentucky recent banned transgender medical and drag queens .. some ppl say “this guy used pronouns on instagram account.”

anyone confirm?

supposedly he was a nut job losing his job.
Why would you pick on a minority, when the majority does most (by far) of the child molestation? And to be clear, I am not even advocating picking on religious groups, I am advocating to pick on child molestation regardless of the group (unless the group advocates to molest children)?
looks like murder is popular regardless of the weapon… guess germany will have to ban knives like england. Get out the old chain mail.

knives make the murder very personal according to experts.

so did the last murderer getting all the notice use pronouns and was “it” acting out because of the new KY law against transgenders or just nutz over losing a job? Find out Where is the Nashville manifesto ?????? ….. since they say no motives determined. No motives determined on latest murderer either. Definitely mental health issue.

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diy solar