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Domestic Terrorist

Where is the Manifesto from Nashville killer - ppl need to read the manifesto to understand the reason for the murders.
It should not take this long to release the manifesto.
5 to 1 Biden told them to sit on it before he made tranny day in wake of this displayed mental illness murderer - break down. No way to prove that unless investigators are honest about Govt sitting on it but where is it. Good luck with that.


This is a great post because it illustrates the left's shallow understanding of the actual problem.

Let's say you have a society where hammers have always been around and even easier to obtain than they are today, and yet 50 years ago there was very little hammer violence by teenagers - it was virtually unheard of. Over the course of time hammer violence became more of a problem and much more common, so the thinking on the left is that the availability of hammers is the problem, and the solution is to make it more difficult to get hammers.

The problem with this is that the problem isn't the hammer, but the fact that teenagers are using them to deal with their childhood problems. Now that hammers are more difficult to get they switch to axes, or they get a hammer on the black market.

This is what happens when you focus on the symptom rather than the problem. Hammers will always be available to motivated individuals, so the solution is to figure out why these individuals are turning to hammer violence to deal with their problems rather than to remove just one of the dozens of tools that can be used to commit violence on others.

I grew up in rural southeastern WI. Every house in our neighborhood had guns in it and they were typically stored in closets. I could by ammo at the hardware store and I knew how to use a gun as did all of my friends. It wasn't unusual to see a group of 12-14 year old kids walking down the road carrying rifles going hunting. These weapons were available to us on a moment's notice, yet we never even considered using a firearm to resolve bullying or other childhood issues. We had fist fights instead. Later on in high school it was common to see pickup trucks owned by students, with rifles in the gun racks, parked in the school parking lot. Not a single school shooting in the time I lived there or since, for that matter.

The difference is society and in particular, American society. It has become a cesspool in large part due to liberalism in parenting and in schooling, and nothing is going to change until we figure out why children feel the need to resort to lethal force to resolve their problems.

Lastly, none of the proposed new gun laws would have prevented any of the last 30 or more mass shootings in the US. It is all political theater and all brought to you by democrats.
Oh shuckers hammers kill more ppl then ar-15…. Oh shuckers ban those hammers make pneumatic hammers great again.
Had my roofing replaced less then year ago. All the roofers used regular hammers. The contractor said much better then pneumatic hammers - nailers.

Leo do you know the difference between an AR-15 and a Hammer? What if an AR-15 identifies as a hammer? If transgenders can do it then anything can. An AR-15 might write the next Declaration of Independence because it thinks and identifies as a pen. Those inanimated objects can come to life. Rat a tat tat tat rat a tat tat brrrrrpppppp pew pew pew pew pow pow bangy bangy hero pen never needs reloading.

Most of the killing in the USA is Criminal on Criminal… places like concrete plantations. But they rarely get reported by main stream news because it would be racial. They use to call it gang violence but changed it to gun violence

criminals don’t care about the laws they are after all criminals. They care not whether there is a law and their actions prove it. Most like the nashville shooter pick and chose the weakest target it even stated that in some of the events it left behind. Why want to see all the manifesto.

Some are mentally ill-nashville killer. The govt wants weapons gone ….and will use say anything on both sides…. In the great depression sometimes communities showed up and let the farmers - home owners buy their own farms-homes back. Most times the communities were carrying guns and no one but the home owner was allowed to bid on it. ??? There are a lot of reasons the govt wants guns. Had the largest armed political group in the World went to 6 Jan 2021 with guns the white house would have seen a real insurrection. 6 Jan 2021 was not a planned Insurrection by the most heavily armed political group in the World. We have changed foreign govts much the same but it was not planned by the Right or guns would have been used on that day. Some ppl are friggin slow between the ears …. and listen to controlled media way to much - ie: you.
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wow that is REALLY powerfully information. Do your own homework to verify this information. Follow the money. We need to wake up to what is going on.
I’ve said this for years they want to make cyber AI designed humans….. for years it has been a dream. Most ppl have probably forgotten the DNA computers tied to mice and them wanting to do humans next. Elon Musk and others know. Imagine if ppl were cloned and in process genetically drastically changed.

the sheep cloned - dolly was years ago but human cloning is suppose to be illegal. Do you think they really followed the laws against cloning. Covid bs was just the beginning. Every notice some high profile ppl in public might not look exactly like themselves.

Cognitive Dissonance will cause most ppl to tune out and turn away and scream Conspiracy. What if those ppl were them. What if instead of aliens… we had brought back all the medical experiments from WW2 germany and continued them in silence locked away in secret labs just like Covid gain of function? We got more then scientist interested in doing NASA. Specialized humans will be needed for Space…. The extreme qualifications for selection - astronauts proves that.

‘what if“ when someone calls me a conspiracy nutter that they acknowledge so many ppl talking transhumanism which is well beyong gender and involves man making woman-man or maybe no gender. Dependent on science and computers to exist and pro-create. “What if AI was already doing it for human replacements?” How would AI launch a take over? I don’t know what is happening exactly but you can bet somewhere there is someone planning it and or knows. Just like covid, transgenders, and transhumanism. If covid or another type sickness damages the reproductive systems of humans … then would we remove open cloning laws that have restricted or forbidden the Industrial Medical Complex. We know gmo hormone laced foods has changed and modified ppl . That is the slow process. We know that humans can be socially engineered and made compliant.

I did not come up with this …. our f’ing scientist did. “It is to the point that we have to do a preemptive hit with defense of our statements and what if“ because some one is going to say we or I am a conspiracy nutter for saying-writing--showing the “ what if based on actual events.“ That is the World we live in now. I truly think our society has been genetically altered and changed to the point that the indifferences going on can’t be reversed. Some ppl will never give up hope-christians-religions. They will self suicide themselves before realizing what has happened. They will do it very slowly by accepting the changes being forced. Compliance.

Elon Musk and many like him are or have pushed this. Zuckerberg talked about it as have others. Ever see that weird paste version of Zuckerberg testifying in front of congress. /?? Weird right?

Places like facebook and others like it are Social Engineering and they are data mining us. They want total control. It is a dream of the elite. No rebellions forever unchallenged rule.
go watch the video it is about control and lies on display… nothing really is as innocent or made natural from unnatural ….. including social drive for climate change. We are going to have climate change for profit whereas it has already been logged and acknowledged as a natural process. Power money control all at stake. Same with privacy to monitor the human condition. Remember Zuckerberg was caught initially saying mRNA vaccines were not a good thing in private video chat.

there is a reason an Army of Internet Fact checkers popped up to support their seemingly correct slants. CONTROL. Left Leaning.
Read snopes…. Even it didn’t say “false” it went into pander mode. One sided Mass media control of twitter and facebook was absolutely critical
There is no "trans agenda", there is the weird idea that you can force people to choose their sexuality and it is easy to debunk... Ask yourself, did you choose to be heterosexual? And if so, could you have chosen to be homosexual?
Let's say you have a society where hammers have always been around and even easier to obtain than they are today, and yet 50 years ago there was very little hammer violence by teenagers - it was virtually unheard of. Over the course of time hammer violence became more of a problem and much more common, so the thinking on the left is that the availability of hammers is the problem, and the solution is to make it more difficult to get hammers.

But hammer violence would happen without hammers?
But hammer violence would happen without hammers?
If a person wants to murder another person or group of people .... they will find a weapon to do it. Maybe a knife, machete, or what several have used lately ... a vehicle. People have been inventing ways to kill other people thru out history.
As long as the goal of the news media ... and others .... is to keep people angry at those who aren't like them ... or have more than them .... and keep people filled with fear .... people murdering other people will increase. Politicians routinely invent new ways to keep people angry at other people. During the pandemic, they invented a new one ... get vaccinated people to hate unvaccinated people. Critical race theory in school is teaching children to hate other children who aren't like them.

Seems like we need leadership and teachers who invent reasons for us to work together toward a common goal instead of leaders and teachers who push us to hate each other.

We don't have a gun problem .... we have a problem with people being driven to hate and kill other people.
There is no "trans agenda", there is the weird idea that you can force people to choose their sexuality and it is easy to debunk... Ask yourself, did you choose to be heterosexual? And if so, could you have chosen to be homosexual?
You choose to be blind to what you do not want to see........

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diy solar