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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

that is going a bit too far
Im not concerned if he is offended. I wouldnt go there with you or some others here, you havent employed the same cheap trolling tactics. And his siblings cant read it, theyre dead.
Obviously what I described is unlikely to be the case. They would have just killed Brad, but were probably run over on their way to the gun store, or to buy rat poison.
A terrible tragedy it was. That their task went unfinished.
Ive a sneaky suspicion brad lied anyway.
Keep in mind the only alleged conspiracy Ive introduced is concerning the election.
I understand, it is hard to keep everyone separated when it gets lumped into them vs us, rather than everyone having a unique perspective and pov.

While Ive supported Bob philosophically, the only alternative treatment Ive supported involves zinc lozenges, and theres sound rationale behind that.
Vitamin D too
When I say gaslighting it means one thing really happened but we keep being told something else happened and were crazy if we believe otherwise.
Where does the line get drawn when you actually "think one thing really happened" but don't have sufficient evidence, and other people think you are crazy if you believe otherwise? Speaking of Zuck, lol 31billion gone,

Its like russian collision, we were told for two years trump colluded with russia to steal the election, turned out it was hillary trying to do that to trump.

We were being gaslighted.
Its a well practiced psy ops tactic to label something a conspiracy theory when you'd like it covered up.
No its not.. you just made that up.

So youre just as corrupt and bereft of integrity as the people who did it.

I posted evidence, about 2/3 of Republicans believe it, your persistent denial of reality doesnt make me crazy, but does make you an ass****.
That's called the Bandwagon fallacy.. Most people thought the earth was flat long ago, that didn't mean they were right.
Your logic is severely flawed, which is why you post all this nonsense.

But again its funny I made such an impression on you that you obsessed over me, and took the time to scour the internet and see who I was and find something about my personal life you could use against me... because your position on topical issues is so weak you cannot offer a topically relevant rebuttal to anything I post.

Blah, blah, blah, Im crazy, energy beams, whatever. How tiny of a person you must be that you log in to this site and click on this thread not to talk about covid or politics, but about ME.

F***ing moron.
You don't want to talk about covid, you want to push your conspiracy garbage.. energy beams, or whatever.. the covid is just your camouflaged excuse to spread your stupid conspiracy fake news crap.

Pretty much everyone here is on to you.. and since your participation in any thread means it will be flooded with garbage, no one cares if it goes off topic anymore.

Grow up child...
Trump talks like an imbecile and rambles on with not point half the time, if anyone took his advice or read into anything he said seriously then it is their own fault.

See you are reasonable, and havent argued the pandemic response was hindered because Trump said it would be gone by April, etc.
At virtually all his press conferences he handed the podium to experts, mask mandates were on the state level, etc.
The main reason I was and remain a Trump supporter is because of the criticism of him as narcisstic, ego driven, obsessed on his own vanity, always wanting to win. Thats a problem, why? Were those traits a problem for a high school football coach or QB? If we win, then Trump wins. If we lose then he loses, pretty simple equation. Im sure his main goal here is to be written into history books as the man who MAGA. Thats apparent by the way he puts his name on all his buildings. Since thats not going to happen unless he actually does MAGA, Seems like a win win.

Ive never seen a serious rebuttal to this point.
I guess if I were you I would have scoured the net to find out all about you and known that. I doubt that was an accident, surely they jumped in front of his car in the hopes theyd be spared another minute around you.
Trump talks like an imbecile and rambles on with not point half the time, if anyone took his advice or read into anything he said seriously then it is their own fault.

See you are reasonable, and havent argued the pandemic response was hindered because Trump said it would be gone by April, etc.
At virtually all his press conferences he handed the podium to experts, mask mandates were on the state level, etc.
The main reason I was and remain a Trump supporter is because of the criticism of him as narcisstic, ego driven, obsessed on his own vanity, always wanting to win. Thats a problem, why? Were those traits a problem for a high school football coach or QB? If we win, then Trump wins. If we lose then he loses, pretty simple equation. Im sure his main goal here is to be written into history books as the man who MAGA. Thats apparent by the way he puts his name on all his buildings. Since thats not going to happen unless he actually does MAGA, Seems like a win win.

Ive never seen a serious rebuttal to this point.
He is obsessed with winning so when he doesn't win, he does crazy shit like trying to burn our country down to spite everyone. It's pretty simple to see and he is bringing his uneducated followers, like you, down with him.
I guess if I were you I would have scoured the net to find out all about you and known that. I doubt that was an accident, surely they jumped in front of his car in the hopes theyd be spared another minute around you.
WOW...just WOW.

You are a despicable human being. Not even sure I would call you a human being.
No its not.. you just made that up.

That's called the Bandwagon fallacy.. Most people thought the earth was flat long ago, that didn't mean they were right.
Your logic is severely flawed, which is why you post all this nonsense.

You don't want to talk about covid, you want to push your conspiracy garbage.. energy beams, or whatever.. the covid is just your camouflaged excuse to spread your stupid conspiracy fake news crap.

Pretty much everyone here is on to you.. and since your participation in any thread means it will be flooded with garbage, no one cares if it goes off topic anymore.

Grow up child...
I just made it up. Yeah right ass****, I guess I time travelled back and made this guy write a paper on it.

The conspiracy theory meme as a tool of cultural hegemony: a critical discourse analysis


Ed Rankin (Fielding Graduate University)

Paper short abstract:​

The intelligence community and other agents of the state have used mainstream media to limit and control public discourse. Evidence of direct involvement of these agents of power in the creation of memes such as "conspiracy theorist" and the use of memes to limit challenges to power is compelling.

Paper long abstract:​

Politicians, the media and other agents of power often label those rejecting the official accounts of significant suspicious and impactful events as "conspiracy theorists" and their proposed alternative explanations as "conspiracy theories". Agents of power use these labels to dismiss the beliefs of those who question potential hegemonic control of what people believe.The conspiracy theory concept functions as an impediment to legitimate discursive examination of conspiracy suspicions. The effect of the label appears to constrain even the most respected thinkers. This impediment is particularly problematic in academia, where thorough, objective analysis of information is critical to uncovering truth, and where members of the academy are typically considered among the most important of epistemic authorities. This paper tracks the development and use of such terms as pejoratives used to shutdown critical thinking, analysis, and challenges to authority. The underlying research employed critical discourse analysis as a research methodology. Evidence suggesting government agents were instrumental in creating the pejorative meme "conspiracy theorist" has been found in contemporary media.
pdf download Paper Download (600 KB)
At virtually all his press conferences he handed the podium to experts, mask mandates were on the state level, etc.
The main reason I was and remain a Trump supporter is because of the criticism of him as narcisstic, ego driven, obsessed on his own vanity, always wanting to win. Thats a problem, why? Were those traits a problem for a high school football coach or QB? If we win, then Trump wins. If we lose then he loses, pretty simple equation. Im sure his main goal here is to be written into history books as the man who MAGA. Thats apparent by the way he puts his name on all his buildings. Since thats not going to happen unless he actually does MAGA, Seems like a win win.

Ive never seen a serious rebuttal to this point.
Trump wanted to win the Presidency, he didn't want to be the president. He made promises that he couldn't keep, but all politicians do that. He honestly admitted he overpromised and that things were much harder than he realized they would be..

The main problem I had with Trump was that he was way underqualified to be the President, but his presidency did reveal some of the limitations of power on the president, as well as how much can be accomplished by Executive Orders.

I wish Trump didn't hedge on racism, I wish he didn't claim to know things when he doesn't, I wish he cared more for Americans than he cared for himself, and I wish he would be willing to admit when his wrong and or doesn't know something.

I wish all of these things because he will be the president again in a few years and I'd like him to be a little better at the job.

Another respected academic paper describing EXACTLY what you are doing here. Labelling me a conspiracy theorist, and the Zuckerbucks story as conspiracy theory, to discourage critical research into the issue.

Whats the goal here, to convince people to turn democrat? Join the party that rigged an election, covered up their actions, and now shut down any honest investigation into their skull duggery with pejorative labels?

Whats next, the Inquisition?

As Bob and I are the only Republicans posting currently, I dont expect any response other than contempt or dismissal.

I will note its significant that not one of the allegations made by the editor of the federalist in her book about what Zuckerberg did and how it impacted the election, has been refuted by you or anyone, anywhere, to my knowledge.
You call it a conspiracy theory because you dont want to talk about it.
With that established let it be known its just another day where murphyguy is proven to be completely full of ****.

I just made it up. What a maroon.
Could you please comment on whether or not you think Vitamin D levels are important ... I ask this because of you other quick comment later in the thread where you seem to be skeptical about the vitamin D relationship with Covid cases.

From the study you posted:
Could you please comment on whether or not you think Vitamin D levels are important ... I ask this because of you other quick comment later in the thread where you seem to be skeptical about the vitamin D relationship with Covid cases.
Which comment? I think Zinc lozenges have enough efficacy behind them in different but similar viruses and safety record to be worth trying, and I also think Vitamin D levels are worth maintaining as well.

I have zero problems with supplemental over the counter preventative and proactive treatment options that have shown efficacy in studies / trials. If I see an Ivermectin trial that shows it works, I will be the first to link it , just like the Vitamin D one. I have no dog in this fight, I just want people to do the best they can for themselves and others when it impacts their freedom as little as possible.
I will make a quick comment about Trump and then be done with that conversation.

I think Trump had a LOT of good policies .... but his mouth got in the way.

He was absolutely right when he called out most of the media outlets for the FAKE news they were spreading .... They hated him even worse for exposing them.

The whole Russia, Russia, Russia BS was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign .... the media, FBI, and other Democrats were perfectly OK with continuing the lie .... Doesn't that worry you guy s a little bit?

He is somewhat of an ego maniac .... but almost all good presidents have been. He put AMERICA FIRST .... Not himself.

He turned the military loose to do their job and they mopped up ISIS in Syria in short order.

He got the crazy guy in North Korea to start considering a different course for that country. Now he is going back to where he started.

He did away with the utterly crazy Iran deal that guaranteed them nuclear weapons.

He fully exposed China's tactics and punished them for unfair trade practices.

He actually got our NATO allies to start paying closer their fair share of support for NATO.

He had the border under control and a good agreement with Mexico that was turning our policy back toward LEGAL immigration instead of ignoring the law.

He had done what so many others had promised ... Got us to energy independence .... We were a net exporter of energy .... The current administration has shut all that down and is back to begging Russia and other middle middle east countries to produce more oil.

He appointed the BEST PEOPLE to the supreme court .... judges that actually believed in the constitution.

He was actually bringing manufacturing back the the United States.

Middle class income was rising under his policies ... and he was doing real things that helped minority communities .... Minority unemployment was the lowest EVER ... and he reduced taxes to the middle class.

He achieved the lowest unemployment rate in half a century.

Our carbon footprint improved.

People weren't censored. We found out the deep state wasn't some fictitious thing.
Why doesn't anyone really care what Hunter Biden and his dad have been up to?

He did all these things ... and a LOT more .... while relentlessly being persecuted for things he didn't do. Pay a little attention to what is coming out of the Durham investigation and you will start to see the truth of what was going on. He worked so many hours his staff couldn't keep up with him .... He didn't spend most of his time in his basement.

He kept his campaign promises .... He did what he said he was going to do. He was TOTALLY transparent .... Many had no idea what to think when a politician actually did what he said he was going to do. He didn't take his salary .... he found needy people to give it away to.

I don't really want Trump to be president again .... but not because I don't think he would do a great job .... but, his loss has certainly exposed the Democrats for who they really are .... but, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him over any Democrat. I don't see a single one on the national stage who really gives a shit about our country.

So .... You can hate on Trump all you want for his style .... but what he actually did was pretty great.

Well, It wasn't so quick .... and I probably forgot a ton of other stuff that was pretty great for the country.
Our carbon footprint improved.
I will only respond to this single point, because while true, it is completely misleading. Actually, you couldn't have picked a better example of how truth gets spun to give him credit for something he didn't really do.

Beyond the gutting of the EPA that his appointed head did, the Trump administration has rolled back major carbon controls, including rules on power plant emissions and methane leaks from oil and gas wells.

The emissions were down because of the shutdown and economic downturn, not because any of his policies magically erased carbon output :(

Please, sing his praises, interpret his words, etc in whatever way you want, but he is not the hero of the environment and under his time as president there were major steps back that will result in a lot more carbon output over the next decade if not changed.
Trump wanted to win the Presidency, he didn't want to be the president. He made promises that he couldn't keep, but all politicians do that. He honestly admitted he overpromised and that things were much harder than he realized they would be..

The main problem I had with Trump was that he was way underqualified to be the President, but his presidency did reveal some of the limitations of power on the president, as well as how much can be accomplished by Executive Orders.

I wish Trump didn't hedge on racism, I wish he didn't claim to know things when he doesn't, I wish he cared more for Americans than he cared for himself, and I wish he would be willing to admit when his wrong and or doesn't know something.

I wish all of these things because he will be the president again in a few years and I'd like him to be a little better at the job.
Dont those passages contradict each other?

Im not looking for him to correct his character flaws. Im not looking for a demigod to follow. I want a president who brings policies that work when its clear professional politicians have failed.

You say he is under or unqualified.... IMO Joe Bidens 47 years on capital hill with no meaningful legislation DISqualifies him.

Most of us voted for him because he was an outsider.
I will only respond to this single point, because while true, it is completely misleading. Actually, you couldn't have picked a better example of how truth gets spun to give him credit for something he didn't really do.

Beyond the gutting of the EPA that his appointed head did, the Trump administration has rolled back major carbon controls, including rules on power plant emissions and methane leaks from oil and gas wells.

The emissions were down because of the shutdown and economic downturn, not because any of his policies magically erased carbon output :(

Please, sing his praises, interpret his words, etc in whatever way you want, but he is not the hero of the environment and under his time as president there were major steps back that will result in a lot more carbon output over the next decade if not changed.
I think it has more to do with shifting to natural gas .... but not really worth arguing.
I will make a quick comment about Trump and then be done with that conversation.

I think Trump had a LOT of good policies .... but his mouth got in the way.

He was absolutely right when he called out most of the media outlets for the FAKE news they were spreading .... They hated him even worse for exposing them.

The whole Russia, Russia, Russia BS was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign .... the media, FBI, and other Democrats were perfectly OK with continuing the lie .... Doesn't that worry you guy s a little bit?

He is somewhat of an ego maniac .... but almost all good presidents have been. He put AMERICA FIRST .... Not himself.

He turned the military loose to do their job and they mopped up ISIS in Syria in short order.

He got the crazy guy in North Korea to start considering a different course for that country. Now he is going back to where he started.

He did away with the utterly crazy Iran deal that guaranteed them nuclear weapons.

He fully exposed China's tactics and punished them for unfair trade practices.

He actually got our NATO allies to start paying closer their fair share of support for NATO.

He had the border under control and a good agreement with Mexico that was turning our policy back toward LEGAL immigration instead of ignoring the law.

He had done what so many others had promised ... Got us to energy independence .... We were a net exporter of energy .... The current administration has shut all that down and is back to begging Russia and other middle middle east countries to produce more oil.

He appointed the BEST PEOPLE to the supreme court .... judges that actually believed in the constitution.

He was actually bringing manufacturing back the the United States.

Middle class income was rising under his policies ... and he was doing real things that helped minority communities .... Minority unemployment was the lowest EVER ... and he reduced taxes to the middle class.

He achieved the lowest unemployment rate in half a century.

Our carbon footprint improved.

People weren't censored. We found out the deep state wasn't some fictitious thing.
Why doesn't anyone really care what Hunter Biden and his dad have been up to?

He did all these things ... and a LOT more .... while relentlessly being persecuted for things he didn't do. Pay a little attention to what is coming out of the Durham investigation and you will start to see the truth of what was going on. He worked so many hours his staff couldn't keep up with him .... He didn't spend most of his time in his basement.

He kept his campaign promises .... He did what he said he was going to do. He was TOTALLY transparent .... Many had no idea what to think when a politician actually did what he said he was going to do. He didn't take his salary .... he found needy people to give it away to.

I don't really want Trump to be president again .... but not because I don't think he would do a great job .... but, his loss has certainly exposed the Democrats for who they really are .... but, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him over any Democrat. I don't see a single one on the national stage who really gives a shit about our country.

So .... You can hate on Trump all you want for his style .... but what he actually did was pretty great.

Well, It wasn't so quick .... and I probably forgot a ton of other stuff that was pretty great for the country.
Great post Bob quoting it just so it appears twice.
He is obsessed with winning so when he doesn't win, he does crazy shit like trying to burn our country down to spite everyone. It's pretty simple to see and he is bringing his uneducated followers, like you, down with him.
Oh that makes sense. Everyone- even his harshest critics- agrees he has a narcisstic obsession with winning and success. So how could he achieve this by burning down the country?
Thats a nonsensical position because Trump has NEVER displayed any such psychopathic, self destructive behavior EVER.
You simply cannot admit your rationale for hating him makes no sense.
So if he won the last election then he wouldnt burn down the country, and we would all win, right? That IS your point.
Last edited:
I will only respond to this single point, because while true, it is completely misleading. Actually, you couldn't have picked a better example of how truth gets spun to give him credit for something he didn't really do.

Beyond the gutting of the EPA that his appointed head did, the Trump administration has rolled back major carbon controls, including rules on power plant emissions and methane leaks from oil and gas wells.

The emissions were down because of the shutdown and economic downturn, not because any of his policies magically erased carbon output :(

Please, sing his praises, interpret his words, etc in whatever way you want, but he is not the hero of the environment and under his time as president there were major steps back that will result in a lot more carbon output over the next decade if not changed.
Given the industrialization going on in third world countries, with pollution we cant control, while in the US we are making strides in technology, I cant get too worked up over minor increases like that.
I would agree the environment is not his strength, conversely Biden ran on it and look what his policies, clearly meant to make Americans bleed so bad at the gas pump, until out of desperation we turned to electric cars, did to the economy.
With a few strokes of the pen he put us at the mercy of OPEC and they seized the opportunity. As everything we consume requires petroleum to deliver, ship, harvest, keep frozen, feed, transport, prices soared at unprecedented rates. And its clear theyre hiding the true numbers. Nothing wrong with green policies but they must be reasonable and well thought through.
In this case a hasty push for electric cars will surely have negative consequences for climate change, just building the infrastructure is mind boggling.
Oh that makes sense. Everyone- even his harshest critics- agrees he has a narcisstic obsession with winning and success. So how could he achieve this by burning down the country?
Thats a nonsensical position because Trump has NEVER displayed any such psychopathic, self destructive behavior EVER.
You simply cannot admit your rationale for hating him makes no sense.
So if he won the last election then he wouldnt burn down the country, and we would all win, right? That IS your point.
Wow you are stupid.
I think it has more to do with shifting to natural gas .... but not really worth arguing.
Actually natural gas usage dropped as well, 2%, year over year. There are studies that clearly show what caused the drop, worldwide. I just lost a little faith that you were at least posting the Trump rhetoric with honesty or integrity. The fact that you still wanted to hang on to such a ridiculous concept as "Green Trump", and finished by saying "not really worth arguing" tells the tale.

It isn't 100% of the time, but if someone responds to your point with a one liner, ending in "not really worth arguing" chances are they know they are probably wrong but can dismiss it instead of finding out and admitting it.
Given the industrialization going on in third world countries, with pollution we cant control, while in the US we are making strides in technology, I cant get too worked up over minor increases like that.
I agree that a lot of green initiatives just look good on paper, but he wasn't hamstringing just those.

I will be fine, any long term consequences won't happen enough in my lifetime to matter that much. I don't blame 3rd world countries for wanting to pollute for growth in the same way we have.
I agree that a lot of green initiatives just look good on paper, but he wasn't hamstringing just those.

I will be fine, any long term consequences won't happen enough in my lifetime to matter that much. I don't blame 3rd world countries for wanting to pollute for growth in the same way we have.
I fully agree, the problem is the measures being enacted allow them to catch up, not really reduce total GGE. If its as dire as some say we dont have that luxury, and global socialism is whats going on.
Actually natural gas usage dropped as well, 2%, year over year. There are studies that clearly show what caused the drop, worldwide. I just lost a little faith that you were at least posting the Trump rhetoric with honesty or integrity. The fact that you still wanted to hang on to such a ridiculous concept as "Green Trump", and finished by saying "not really worth arguing" tells the tale.

It isn't 100% of the time, but if someone responds to your point with a one liner, ending in "not really worth arguing" chances are they know they are probably wrong but can dismiss it instead of finding out and admitting it.
I read that as the issue isnt that important to him.

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diy solar