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Ecoflow Delta 2 Fan Exhaust Air Quality


New Member
Dec 17, 2023
New Jersey
I own two Ecoflow Delta 2 refurbished units purchased at different times from the Ebay Ecoflow store.

A couple weeks ago by chance I happened to place a Dylos DC1100 Air Quality monitor on top of the Delta 2 when I was testing the air quality out of a vacuum cleaner and was surprised to see the Dylos show very high unhealthy air readings when it was sitting on top of the Delta 2. I determined the high air quality readings to be coming out of the Delta 2 exhaust fan port. Turning off the Delta 2 and it's internal fans would then immediately drop the Dylos air quality readings back down to normal.

I contacted Ecoflow customer support with this issue and they said they would forward the issue to their R&D department. The R&D department asked for more information on the Dylos air quality monitor which I gave them the product link. I asked for an update after hearing nothing from them for over 2 weeks and the reply was that R&D was still assessing the issue and that they have not heard of this issue from other users. They said I would get an update if there was any progress.

I did ask Ecoflow if the air quality was due to my Delta 2's being refurbished units and the reply was that it was doubtful as the refurbished units are close to new condition.

One Ecoflow use case for me was using the Delta 2 to power a small portable electric heater in my car in the mornings while the car was warming up and due to the "harmful" air quality readings from the Dylos I have stopped doing this practice as I was probably damaging my lungs with such air quality in a small enclosed car space.

I did some testing with images:

1. Baseline outside air quality readings with everything off on a "bad" air quality day in New Jersey
2. The Delta 2 charging at 500watts rate and the Dylos Air Quality monitor giving readings of 1997/1860 for >1um particle and >5um particle sizes respectively
3. The Delta 2 discharging at 850watts with the portable electric heater with the Dylos Air Quality monitor giving readings of 1577/591
4. Overview of the Dylos Air Qualty intake port positioned next to the Delta 2 fan exhaust fan port
5. and 6. Internal images of the Delta 2 with the top cover off showing a pretty clean setup in case the Delta 2 was dirty inside and was the cause of the high air quality readings.

I am now wary of using my Delta 2's in enclosed spaces and would appreciate feedback on the implications of what the Dylos 2 is reading from the Delta 2 exhaust. The air quality readings are higher when the Delta 2 is charging. Is it outgassing from the LifePO4 batteries?

Thank you


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I own two Ecoflow Delta 2 refurbished units purchased at different times from the Ebay Ecoflow store.

A couple weeks ago by chance I happened to place a Dylos DC1100 Air Quality monitor on top of the Delta 2 when I was testing the air quality out of a vacuum cleaner and was surprised to see the Dylos show very high unhealthy air readings when it was sitting on top of the Delta 2. I determined the high air quality readings to be coming out of the Delta 2 exhaust fan port. Turning off the Delta 2 and it's internal fans would then immediately drop the Dylos air quality readings back down to normal.

I contacted Ecoflow customer support with this issue and they said they would forward the issue to their R&D department. The R&D department asked for more information on the Dylos air quality monitor which I gave them the product link. I asked for an update after hearing nothing from them for over 2 weeks and the reply was that R&D was still assessing the issue and that they have not heard of this issue from other users. They said I would get an update if there was any progress.

I did ask Ecoflow if the air quality was due to my Delta 2's being refurbished units and the reply was that it was doubtful as the refurbished units are close to new condition.

One Ecoflow use case for me was using the Delta 2 to power a small portable electric heater in my car in the mornings while the car was warming up and due to the "harmful" air quality readings from the Dylos I have stopped doing this practice as I was probably damaging my lungs with such air quality in a small enclosed car space.

I did some testing with images:

1. Baseline outside air quality readings with everything off on a "bad" air quality day in New Jersey
2. The Delta 2 charging at 500watts rate and the Dylos Air Quality monitor giving readings of 1997/1860 for >1um particle and >5um particle sizes respectively
3. The Delta 2 discharging at 850watts with the portable electric heater with the Dylos Air Quality monitor giving readings of 1577/591
4. Overview of the Dylos Air Qualty intake port positioned next to the Delta 2 fan exhaust fan port
5. and 6. Internal images of the Delta 2 with the top cover off showing a pretty clean setup in case the Delta 2 was dirty inside and was the cause of the high air quality readings.

I am now wary of using my Delta 2's in enclosed spaces and would appreciate feedback on the implications of what the Dylos 2 is reading from the Delta 2 exhaust. The air quality readings are higher when the Delta 2 is charging. Is it outgassing from the LifePO4 batteries?

Thank you
Maybe it’s normal.. so much electronic stuff offgases... heated plastic etc.. warm circuit boards possibly... but cells venting.. idk.. that wouldn’t be good.
Thanks for posting this! Very interesting find. I too am curious if you tested the other unit and if you have tested other brands or other electronics in general that generate heat and have fans to dissipate the heat. A lot of new products smell at first until the residual loose particles disseminate after a certain time. Have you tried retesting after more use? Again thanks for posting and for the pictures!
I just picked up another EcoFlow Delta 2 on the eBay Memorial Day sale. For a baseline, I purchased a new Delta 2 last year from Amazon and have had no issues with it for the last year running my sump pump. This refurbished one from eBay, though, stinks! Not in operation, everything seems to be fine there. But when it is charging there is a definite odor coming from the fans on top.

I'm going to charge it up at high speed and discharge it with a space heater, to see if forcing the fans on high will help with the smell. This is a first for me, I've had a few electronics that had an odor when new or first being put under load, but nothing as pungent as this thing!
I would not worry about it there is nothing in the inverter and charger to produce any harmful product. I feel your meter is haywire iand is being effected by the heat more than bad air.

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