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diy solar

EG4 18kpv stopped AC coupling


New Member
Feb 3, 2024
Ramona CA
Hello all,

My 18k PV stopped AC coupling this morning. Yesterday everything work great as usual. This morning around ten o’clock I checked my PV system had a warning light not connected to grid. I checked for power at the Gen Input nothing. I wasn’t sure if it was my inverter or the EG4. I reconnected my PV system back to my electrical panel and it came on. For some reason the 18k is not connecting my PV to the grid. The system has been working flawlessly. I checked the settings for AC coupling they look correct. Any ideas?

Thank you,
AC coupling is a confusing process and I cannot tell if your problem is when the grid is down or when the grid is up? When the grid is up the GT inveters should sync to the grid and that is not technically AC coupling. What is the status now? Is the grid up?
Hello all,

My 18k PV stopped AC coupling this morning. Yesterday everything work great as usual. This morning around ten o’clock I checked my PV system had a warning light not connected to grid. I checked for power at the Gen Input nothing. I wasn’t sure if it was my inverter or the EG4. I reconnected my PV system back to my electrical panel and it came on. For some reason the 18k is not connecting my PV to the grid. The system has been working flawlessly. I checked the settings for AC coupling they look correct. Any ideas?

Thank you,
Hi do you have CTs at the meter?

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diy solar