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diy solar

EG4 3K inverter PV voltage range


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
I'm working on a small system for my shed; planning to use the Eg4 3000 ehv-48 inverter with an EG4 LifePower4 48V battery. I'm a little concerned about the inverters PV input voltage range, but not convinced I'm looking at it correctly.

There's enough space to mount 4 panels on the south facing roof. Looking at panels from Santan (half-cut, mono, PERC), the typical 300-350 watt panel has an operating range (VMP) of about 30-35V, and the EG4's PV input range is 120VDC - 450VDC. So, if wiring in series, the strings output voltage (4panels x 30volt = 120v) would just barely be enough to work. Is this close enough, or, should I be shopping for a different inverter? Or, is there a different way to solve it?
I have the same SCC. 6S 440 watt panels and it charges with almost zero Sun with less than 100 watts. Don’t know how the Voltage is impacted by the sun so I really don’t have an answer. If you could fit 4 x 440 I think you’d be golden as I think my panels are around 48-49 VOC.
Right, the larger panels generally have a higher operating voltage, so would probably solve it, but I don't think they'll fit. Wish they would, I'd like to get a little more power.
Maybe just go with three 455's? Or if using a rail system you could extent past the ridge or eves a small amount. Hope you find a solution!!
Hmm, seems like it would be an even trade; 4 @ 30v or 3 @ 40v. I was hoping someone might have a way to shift the range. It seems a bit odd that a small inverter would that high of a low end.

The MPP 3048LV-MK's range is 95-140 VAC, but the VOC of 160v (4 panels @ average of 40v each) would be a problem for that model.
I used 4 400 watt Canadian Solar panels in series with mine which produced voltage just right above the threshold and did not see great performance. I did just have them on the driveway temporarily with a little tilt but sub optimal but I could have used a 5th panel and I think the results would have been much better. I put the 4 panels on my roof and put them in series with my 10 410 watt Solarever panels and have run them to my grid tied inverter and am seeing performance in line with my Solarever panels, so I think the minimal voltage threshold with the 3kW inverter was the problem. If I have an outage with the grid tied inverter, I’ll disconnect one panel (because of Voc) and run the PV through my 3kW inverter which I’m using as a battery backup.

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