diy solar

diy solar

EG4 Lifepower4 48V Top Balancing Firmware.

Is it the same with all the batteries?
I tried changing the second battery's dip switches to 0000 and doing a reset. Same issue. I may just leave them with the original firmware. I can get the SOC to 100% on all of them, but it would have been nice to raise the cell voltages a bit more.
Going back to my past life of computer networking / tech support...
Did you uninstall any / all older drivers?
If you dig deep into the driver settings are you able to change communication speed?
I'm assuming you rebooted multiple times and tried every usb port.

The fact it appears to be communicating with the battery tells me it's not a windows 7 compatibility issue.
I tried changing the second battery's dip switches to 0000 and doing a reset. Same issue. I may just leave them with the original firmware. I can get the SOC to 100% on all of them, but it would have been nice to raise the cell voltages a bit more.
I suggested earlier in this thread to turn the battery breaker off and then back on. I haven't seen any post indicating this has been tried, but I can tell you that occasionally, I have to turn the battery off and on again before it'll get boot info and load firmware.

That said, Can you attach a photo of the dip switches of the battery you are trying to upgrade, and make sure nothing else is pluggged into the other RS-485 port?

If you have:
- no current
- restarted the BMS (by turning breaker off and back on)
- confirmed that the BMS Test is using the proper serial port
- the cable and adapter are good

I can only assume that the dip switch settings vs what you think needs to be set in BMSTest, are in conflict.
Going back to my past life of computer networking / tech support...
Did you uninstall any / all older drivers?
If you dig deep into the driver settings are you able to change communication speed?
I'm assuming you rebooted multiple times and tried every usb port.

The fact it appears to be communicating with the battery tells me it's not a windows 7 compatibility issue.
Yeah, I have tried 3 different SS supplied cables on two different ports (com 5 and com 7). The software works on baud 9600 for reading the battery cell voltages, etc.

Dip switch setting are all down (0000).
I suggested earlier in this thread to turn the battery breaker off and then back on. I haven't seen any post indicating this has been tried, but I can tell you that occasionally, I have to turn the battery off and on again before it'll get boot info and load firmware.

That said, Can you attach a photo of the dip switches of the battery you are trying to upgrade, and make sure nothing else is pluggged into the other RS-485 port?

If you have:
- no current
- restarted the BMS (by turning breaker off and back on)
- confirmed that the BMS Test is using the proper serial port
- the cable and adapter are good

I can only assume that the dip switch settings vs what you think needs to be set in BMSTest, are in conflict.
I tried all dip switches up and it finds the battery at address 15. Same issue though...
Yeah, I have tried 3 different SS supplied cables on two different ports (com 5 and com 7). The software works on baud 9600 for reading the battery cell voltages, etc.

View attachment 169419
Hmmm I don't miss those fun times at all. I wish I had went through the process so I could help more. When all else fails fdisk C: and start over (just kidding).
I hope you figure it out.
I have never seen this before. This is the first time I have seen this.

Alright, that photo shows me that all of my concerns are addressed except one.

You still haven't mentioned if you've cycled the breaker off/on, but I'm going to proceed with the assumption that you have.

The last 2 things I would consider:

I see you have 2 USB com ports on that machine. I'd unplug the one you aren't using in case there are conflicts.
If it is physically disconnected, and it still shows 2 in the device manager, that is probably the smoking gun. This would be a windows device/device driver issue.

If you actually have 2 plugged in, remove one and try again with the other.

If that fails, the last resort is a factory reset using that reset button by the DIP switches.
One question. Is the programming cable the newest one from SS? I absolutely had the same terrible experience even if I tried to make my own programming cable using instructions found in this thread. I gave up but once I got the new cable from SS, everything was honky dori even with my original pack ids and just setting the iD in the software.
Public Service Announcement
@Markus_EG4 deserves one hell of a raise and/or bonus. He keeps fighting the good fight.
I'm surprised with his knowledge and drive he hasn't found another company to work for, Indeed.

Honestly, from my interactions with them.. I don't think EG4 is a bad company. Nor signature solar.

I *do* think they are suffering from the same thing most businesses do when they start getting bigger. They have growing pains, they have to move from a "we'll figure it out as we grow" mentality, to actually establishing formal processes and procedures.

I think they'll get it figured out. There are just some unpleasantries along the way currently. Compund that with the generally "negative" nature of the internet and an echo-chamber that is a forum focused on one specific thing.. and you tend to get a jaded view of things.

It's important to remember, most people aren't going to post about their awesome experiences, though some will. almost nobody is going to post about their "unremarkable but good" experiences (such as, I bought a thing. it was shipped in a reasonable time, and it worked"), but *most* will post about their negative experiences and interactions. So what ends up happening is, a forum such as this is full of complaints and "whoa is me" posts. However it doesn't give you a good overall understanding of the state of things.

As an example, (unrelated but makes the point, so you can stop reading here if you don't care) I'm in another forum/group dedicated to a specific vehicle. In the average week, we'll see a post or two about how horrible the vehicle is compared to some other vehicle (and usually its not a fair comparison, though sometimes it is) and how that person regrets their buying decision and is taking it back to the dealership.. etc etc.. If you took things at face value, you'd wonder if the vehicle was just a horrible product. Then you realize there are 30 THOUSAND active users in the forum/group.. and begin to understand that.. 2 out of 30 thousand.. isn't terrible. Moreover, when you realize that several of those "2" are repeat posters complaining about different aspects of the vehicle, you begin to see the reality.. a handful of people bought the wrong vehicle for their needs/lifestyle/purpose, and just need to crap all over it. (When in this case, often just a few hours of research, or a freaking test drive of the vehicle) would have prevented the buyers remorse. The problem is, nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions and decisions. 90% of the negative posts are simply from people with unrealistic expectations or who didn't research before spending 10s of thousands of dollars.. But again, at face value.. you think you see these "recurring themes" and it gives you a narrow/jaded viewpoint.
I have Growatt 3000TL-LVM-ES and a single EG4 Lifepower 4 battery

Having a problem where SOC would drop from 7% to 1% thus triggering a forced grid charge even though I was in OSO mode.

performed firmware upgrade

SOH went from 97.1% to 99.4%. Hopefully this fixed my 7% to 1% issue

diy solar

diy solar