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diy solar

EG4 Wallmount Batteries - wiring design

At some calculated point there probably should be fuse involved. That is where a bus bar with individual fuses for each wire coming off it would be most protected.
Probably around the tap rule threshold (like 10% for 10 ft and 33% for 25 ft). 10% feels kind of scary with 200A, lol

Tap seeming relevant bc we are talking about undersized conductors protected by breakers on the branches.
At some calculated point there probably should be fuse involved. That is where a bus bar with individual fuses for each wire coming off it would be most protected.
My initial configuration has fuses, see the first post, now it kinda feels like we might be going back full circle to the first version. Does everyone involved on this thread feel like a "MAXIMUM" of 4X Wallmounts using this drawing is a perfectly acceptable/safe solution with a single 18K, using the standard wires that ship with the EG4 Wallmount batteries?


To clarify, the intent behind starting this thread is not to advocate for a design beyond 4x EG4 Wallmount batteries with a single 18K. Offering configurations with approximately 30 kWh and 60 kWh using EG4 Wallmounts on a single 18K hits the sweet spot for value and capacity for many of my prospective clients. A 43 kWh setup with only 3 Wallmounts doesn't provide enough buffer for needs greater than 30 kWh. Therefore, standardizing the offering with either 2 or 4 Wall mounts will simplify the configuration and design.

These two configurations would be the standard for most clients. I've conducted thorough research and data gathering, and this approach will meet the needs of nearly 90% of my prospective clients.
  • 6x EG4 Rackmount batteries, 30.6 kWh, or 2x EG4 Wallmount batteries, 28.6 kWh, both roughly the same size (30 ish kWhs).
  • 12x EG4 Rackmount batteries, 61.2 kWh or 4x EG4 Wallmount batteries, 57.2 kWh, both roughly the same size (60 ish kWhs).
I am 100% comfortable with my method. The batteries and inverter have all the breakers you need.
However for permitted and inspected installs you will need EG4 to approve the layout and add it to the documentation....if your AHJ are fussy.
I am 100% comfortable with my method. The batteries and inverter have all the breakers you need.
However for permitted and inspected installs you will need EG4 to approve the layout and add it to the documentation....if your AHJ are fussy.
Good news this is Mexico… so ya probably know what that means for permits and inspections. However, I’m certainly not lowering my standards simply because the government doesn’t really have them.

Thanks so much for your participation @Quattrohead , like yourself I spend most of my time on the forums helping others and it feels great to receive assistance from others when I need a little confirmation or ideas. 👍🙏🙏

diy solar

diy solar