diy solar

diy solar

Explosion on the Sun

Maybe something in the same vein as this?

Maybe something in the same vein as this?

Give em a break.. it was 1910. Not exactly the age of education and information.

On the other hand, an NPR study a few years back, found that 1 in 4 American's think the Sun revolves around the Earth.
STRONG EARTH-DIRECTED SOLAR FLARE: If you round up, it was an X-flare. On April 21st at 0157 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a strong M9.6-class solar flare. The source was sunspot complex AR2993-94, which is almost directly facing Earth.
More activity! Not considered a danger and if there was a CME the Earth will have moved by the time it gets here.

...Give em a break.. it was 1910. Not exactly the age of education and information.
They had newspapers and conspiracy theorists. So, I suspect it was much as it is today and the guys writing funfacts are very much mistaken about the tone of history. I'm sure it was some very small part hysteria, and a whole lot of humor, when isn't the end of the world a great excuse to party? Remember Skylab parties? Are Halley's umbrellas any different from Skylab early detection hats?
NO CMEs ARE HEADING FOR EARTH: So far this week, the sun has produced dozens of solar flares. Zero debris is heading our way. Remarkably, all of the explosions have been off target. Active sunspot complex AR2993-94 is still turning toward Earth, however, so the odds of a future hit are increasing.​

NAKED-EYE SUNSPOTS: Yesterday in Poland, a flock of cranes flew across the setting sun. Among them were sunspots. "Active sunspot complex AR2993-94 is so big that it was easily visible to the naked eye," says Marek Nikodem, who photographed the flyby:​
Ya'll thought I was joking didn't ya? Well, not so much.

I think it is worth considering as we approach years of increasing sunspots.
The sun gives us about 1366 mW per square meter on earth (max). With a boat load of sunspots, it might increase by an extra 2 - 3mW.. might...

I don't think 2 mW is going to make a difference that would require you to need sunscreen..

diy solar

diy solar