diy solar

diy solar

Flex Panels on Vintage Camper


New Member
Jul 11, 2024
St Paul
I was gifted two sets of solar equipment. One 4 x 100W flexible panel Go Power! System with 40 amp MPPT charge controller and accompanying cables. I also have one 2 x 220W Xantrex Solar Max expansion kit with its own MPPT controller. I have 2 100AH LiFePO4 batteries and plan to buy a 1500 or 2000 inverter to power a 120v dorm fridge and a few LED lights on a ‘63 vintage camper.

Does anyone have experience with stick on panels or Xantrex equipment? Is Go Power any good? I’d like to have a system on the small roof and a satellite array that I can set up in camp to add to the solar system.

Would you put the Xantrex on the roof and the go power panels on a portable system? Would you scrap that idea and get glass panels? My concern is getting the panels unstuck should they fail. I also do t think I can get 4 100w panels on the small roof.


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You were gifted a good system. Others will talk bad about flexible, but 500 watts free is good.
My concern is getting the panels unstuck should they fail.
This is a concern. I have six flexible panels on my roof and if they ever come off they will leave a mark. If there's holes when I take them off, I put roofing tape over them.

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