diy solar

diy solar

Flexible solar panels on Aliexpress.


Solar Wizard
Jul 15, 2022
I was perusing Aliexpress and spotted quite a few listings for flexible solar panels with rather incredible watt ratings (300 watts for one folding panel). The specifications for these were rather vague as to things like VOC or Vmp, they mostly just claim to be 12v chargers. Some of these are rather small size so it would seem incredible if they actually delivered claimed wattage. Many are under $50 bucks price.

Does being flexible mean they can achieve what solid panels can not?

Has anyone bought one of these and run tests?
You know that famous quote from Abraham Lincoln, right? "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet."

Aliexpress if full of amazing claims that are too good to be true, and most of the time they aren't true. At least in the solar world it's just a big machine to part fools from their money. Do the research.
Yeah... no. They seem to prey on people that don't know enough about solar or electricity.
You know that famous quote from Abraham Lincoln, right? "Don't believe everything you read on the Internet."

Aliexpress if full of amazing claims that are too good to be true, and most of the time they aren't true. At least in the solar world it's just a big machine to part fools from their money. Do the research.
An issue I run into personally is the rate of tech change and the fact that things simply impossible in the past are now possible. Things like different efficiencies solar panels (Bifacial, half cut, strange geometric shapes), batteries that are no longer lead acid based, electronic controllers that are Micro processor based that can accomplish things no old analog control circuits could.

So even if I agree with Abe Lincoln about the "innernets" it is easy to get misled. And that is coming from someone that has quite a bit of electrical background. Those with none at all really have a minefield to cross.

A fool and his money might be soon parted but even the best can be scammed given the right set of circumstances.
crossposting AGAIN.....

Warning: I've tested a few flexible panels. The odd-branded ones sold on Amazon and eBay never, EVER come even close to the power outputs they like to claim. Some of them make outrageous claims. A common example are the Yishengyuan panels of about 41x10 inches that many sellers offer. Realistically those are good for about 40 watts, but sellers like this one claim 200 watts per panel. Even the cheap PWM charge controller they include is wildly overrated. "Ohhh whatta BARGAIN." So many suckers in the world.

Flexibles tend to be LESS efficient on average than commercial grade rigid panels. You pay a price for flexibility.

Can't speak for lifetime but I've never heard anything good said about them, esp. when exposed to weather for years in a permanent installation. They seem to be okay for camping or portable use, and MAYBE on a vehicle roof as a "semipermanent" installation. Don't bet your life on them.