diy solar

diy solar

Grawatt SPF 5000 ES Not using solar for load as first priority in SBU mode


New Member
Aug 27, 2022
Hi everyone,

My off grid solar system uses a Grawatt SPF 5000ES with 1800W panels and a Grawatt 4.8 kWh battery. I have set Setting No 1 to SBU, No 12 to 50% and No 13 to 95% ( default). Expectation was to use battery till 50% when there is no solar and keep rest of the battery in case of a power cut( No power in grid ). System seems to be working as expected till mid night but when I check in the morning it seems like battery has reached 50% SOC in the early morning and used utility to charge the battery.

Then in the morning when there is sun light all solar get used to charge the battery and house was running from utility. What I want is for inverter to use solar as the first priority for the load and use the excess to charge the battery.

Screenshot from 2022-08-28 01-01-42.png
I found a post with a similar scenario there the OP use Setting 49 to prevent battery getting charged by utility during night. Then someone suggest to set Setting 13 ( AC2b ) to minimum that inverter allows. I'm wondering how does this fix the issue. Setting 12,13 is SOC point back to utility and battery respectively. What does that exactly mean and how does that fix the load not prioritizing in SBU mode.

In SBU mode the system should set back to Grid when reaching Setting 12. The issue here is that the device itself is not powered by grid at this point but still using battery. so the battery will discharge more. But usually at reaching P21 Only sol is not recognized anymore and the inverter starts charging the battery. You can prevent discharging the battery below the value set at P12 by changing P11 to a low value. I put at my 3phase setup 2A at the master inverter so this inverter is charging the battery below 15% (P12) set at mine. The biggest issue with the SPF5000 is that it sometimes not recognizes to switch back to grid without any reason even Growatt couldn´t provide a solution by today to me.