diy solar

diy solar

Grid Tied 18KPV + Power Pro to SCE


New Member
Jun 28, 2024
Hi All,

I am looking into installing the EG4 system in my home so that it is still grid tied to SoCal Edison. In reading the net metering interconnection handbook I ran into the following statement for using Generation Meter Adapter:

"GMA’s are only to be used for Solar NEM projects that do NOT include storage, DC coupled inverter systems,
Paired Storage Systems or additional residential load between the generator and the GMA (a backed up/
emergency loads panel."

Does that mean that I would not be able to use a GMA for the install with the ESS? It seems that the battery would sit behind the hybrid inverter and not between it and the GMA.

I'm not finding it explicitly, but this does say " interconnect their renewable generating facilities" and it is regarding "Generation Meter".
Does your utility require a separate generation meter?

I think they only want power backfed through this device, no power ever drawn through it. A hybrid, and anything with a battery, could draw power. Pure GT PV would not.

Possibly, because it could draw current in excess of what main breaker/panel can draw. Or not:

'option to traditional supply-side connections (also called “line-side taps”).'


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diy solar