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diy solar

Grounding Deye 8kw Hybrid inverter


New Member
Jun 11, 2024
Lahore, Pakistan
I have daye 8kw hybrid inverter with 48100b1 battery in case grid goes offline.

The installation company drilled two 50feets holes 30feet apart from each other and added copper pipe and told me these are AC and DC earthing.

They added a lighting arrester at roof as well, and installed two separate DB boxes and told me one is AC and one is DC.

I have learned a lot from here and found out they they did not installed the CT at main home incoming cable from grid and just added in inside the Deye connection box, also the batter sensor was there so I moved them both to correct places, while doing so I got a jolt/shock when I accidentally touched the inverter heat sink. ( please note I am not professional, I am just learning so I have very limited knowledge) upon checking I saw that there is a ground screw option on inverter and also on battery which are not connected anywhere.

So my question is that where to connect the inverter heat sink ground and battery ground , to the AC ground or DC ground. ( The installation company are just not helping)

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