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diy solar

Grounding eg4 6000xp


New Member
Nov 16, 2023
Hey friends. I am very new to the solar community so please be gentle. 😁 I recently purchased an eg4 6000xp, a couple eg4 48v server rack batteries, and about 3000w of solar. I am building a completely off grid system that will not be connected to the grid at all. It seems that there are a couple schools of thought on earth grounding and off grid system. I’m debating on weather or not I need to get a ground rod and some copper or just let it float? What are your thoughts? By the way I live in the Sierra Nevada mountains in central CA. Not much lightning there, ever. Thanks!
The inverter is a power source, I would treat it the same as if it were utility power from a transformer on a pole or ground mount and do the installation exactly the same.

Inverter feeds a breaker panel where the N-G bond is located. Drive a ground rod and connect that to the ground bus in the breaker panel and then ground everything else to the breaker panel ground bus.

Everything else meaning all metalic, conductive items in the system. PV panel racking, Panel frames, Inverter enclosure, J boxes, EMT or flex conduit & receptacles.
Curious if @Jaull189 got their question answered as I have the same exact question but I still need a little more clarity. @BentleyJ provided good info but: If we are creating the neutral-ground bond at the load center (or breaker panel) which setting on the EG4 6000xp must be selected? IE option 26 where you tell the inverter whether or not to remove the ground-neutral bond?

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