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Growatt SPF3000TL LVM-48P Inverter


New Member
May 4, 2022
Middle Southern Tennessee
I've been using the Growatt SPF3000TL LVM-48P Inverter in my offgrid system for several months now, and for the most part I've been very happy with its performance. Two things I'm not happy about:

1/ No way to pass AC directly through inverter to power loads. I'd like to run my RV AC off my 3600W generator from time to time, but can't because the Growatt insists on charging the battery as first priority. I've monkeyed around with different settings, but haven't found a way around this. Can't get it to work even when the battery is "full" and the charger is supposedly off. For now, I have to go outside and physically unplug the Inverter from the generator and then plug the RV into the generator. Not that big a deal, except when it's 2AM, 85 degrees in the RV, and the battery is low.

2/ Using PV for input power (with the Growatt set to "Li" for setting (05), and connected to the LiFePower4 battery using the RJ45 cable) results in the battery cycling between 91% and 88% (roughly) capacity. When the battery reaches 91% capacity, the charger turns off, the PV panels stop providing input power, and the Growatt pulls from the battery to power loads until the battery drops down to 88% capacity. At that point, the charger turns back on and the PV panels begin providing power again. The result is a fair amount of PV power "left on the table" and unnecessary cycling of the LiFePower4 battery.

What *should* happen is that the charger should turn off at 91%, and the PV panels should continue to provide power to the loads as applicable. In the event that PV becomes inadequate (a cloud passes over for instance), the battery should augment solar and make up the deficit. Once the battery drops to a predetermined charge level (88%, or user-defined), then the battery should begin charging again until it reaches a full charge. This should be an easy software fix. Or perhaps there is a setting to control this that I am unaware of?

I'm considering ditching the "all-in-one" and going back to individual components. I feel like I'll have more flexibility and control of the system. I could be wrong though.
It's possible that the BMS is creating more problems than solutions.
Try disconnecting the comms between battery and AIO. Set battery for USE2 and set all parameters manually.
I've been using the Growatt SPF3000TL LVM-48P Inverter in my offgrid system for several months now, and for the most part I've been very happy with its performance. Two things I'm not happy about:

1/ No way to pass AC directly through inverter to power loads. I'd like to run my RV AC off my 3600W generator from time to time, but can't because the Growatt insists on charging the battery as first priority. I've monkeyed around with different settings, but haven't found a way around this. Can't get it to work even when the battery is "full" and the charger is supposedly off. For now, I have to go outside and physically unplug the Inverter from the generator and then plug the RV into the generator. Not that big a deal, except when it's 2AM, 85 degrees in the RV, and the battery is low.

I have the same unit, except the 24v version. I was playing around with a "solar generator" I was assembling and tested AC charging and passthrough on my Growatt. I set the Growatt "max utility charging current (option 11)" to 10amps and with about a 200 watt load on my growatt the solar generator was indeed showing a consumption of around 450 watts. This indicates the pass-through was working properly - what makes you think your generator isn't powering your loads?
I have the same unit, except the 24v version. I was playing around with a "solar generator" I was assembling and tested AC charging and passthrough on my Growatt. I set the Growatt "max utility charging current (option 11)" to 10amps and with about a 200 watt load on my growatt the solar generator was indeed showing a consumption of around 450 watts. This indicates the pass-through was working properly - what makes you think your generator isn't powering your loads?
The Growatt throws an 07 "overload time out" fault and shuts down.
The Growatt throws an 07 "overload time out" fault and shuts down.

Sounds like your Generator can supply more surge power than the Growatt for starting your RV A/C. The Growatt will not be able to power loads beyond 3000W (6000W Surge) even if connected to grid power.

So the statement "1/ No way to pass AC directly through inverter to power loads." isn't exactly true - you just want it to be able to pass through MORE power.

FWIW, this is what the troubleshooting guide says about error 07:

7 Error 07
Fault description: Overload time out
1. Output load is higher than 5500W. 2. It may be the problem inductive load on the machine, and at startup, it will cause
excessive shock current, which will protect the machine and pay attention to
the impact of such inductive load. 3. Could be a short circuit on the load and needs to be checked. 4. The inverter is overload 110% and time is up. Suggestion:
171. Check if there are some inductive load on the output, if this fault appears at thestartup,it caused by shock current of load, you need reduce the load and resrtart
inverter. 2. Reduce the connected load by switching off some equipment.
Sounds like your Generator can supply more surge power than the Growatt for starting your RV A/C. The Growatt will not be able to power loads beyond 3000W (6000W Surge) even if connected to grid power.

So the statement "1/ No way to pass AC directly through inverter to power loads." isn't exactly true - you just want it to be able to pass through MORE power.

FWIW, this is what the troubleshooting guide says about error 07:

7 Error 07
Fault description: Overload time out
1. Output load is higher than 5500W. 2. It may be the problem inductive load on the machine, and at startup, it will cause
excessive shock current, which will protect the machine and pay attention to
the impact of such inductive load. 3. Could be a short circuit on the load and needs to be checked. 4. The inverter is overload 110% and time is up. Suggestion:
171. Check if there are some inductive load on the output, if this fault appears at thestartup,it caused by shock current of load, you need reduce the load and resrtart
inverter. 2. Reduce the connected load by switching off some equipment.
I suppose what I want to do is to have the capability to bypass the Growatt completely when using the generator, without having to physically plug and unplug connections. RV AC runs fine straight off the generator. RV AC runs fine straight off the Growatt when using PV power or battery. RV AC won't run at all when attempting to use the generator with the Growatt in the middle.
You could add a transfer switch for the A/C unit.
Like this:

VictorsHome Changeover Switch LW28-32 3 Positions 8 Terminals Universal Rotary Cam Selector Latching Switches 690V 32A

Or a relay, if you want it to automatically switch over.
Like this:

TWTADE/JQX-62F-2Z Coil Voltage AC 110V 80A DPDT Electronmagnetic Relay,High Power Relay AC 110V
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I suppose what I want to do is to have the capability to bypass the Growatt completely when using the generator, without having to physically plug and unplug connections. RV AC runs fine straight off the generator. RV AC runs fine straight off the Growatt when using PV power or battery. RV AC won't run at all when attempting to use the generator with the Growatt in the middle.

I didn't realize your Growatt powered the AC fine WITHOUT grid (generator) power connected. That's definitely strange behavior then - possibly worth an email to Growatt customer support in the hope it's a known issue or fixed by a firmware update etc.
Did you figure anything out on this? I am having the same fault 07 on the lv2424 mpp, which I understand is made in the same factory as the growatt.

I can run off of generator by itself fine. I can run off solar by itself fine, but if I connect the generator to the ac input on the lv2424, I get the fault code 07, overload timeout.
Did you figure anything out on this? I am having the same fault 07 on the lv2424 mpp, which I understand is made in the same factory as the growatt.

I can run off of generator by itself fine. I can run off solar by itself fine, but if I connect the generator to the ac input on the lv2424, I get the fault code 07, overload timeout.
No software solution yet. I could install a switch of some sort, but for now, I'm still physically swapping plugs whenever I want to run AC off the generator.
Have you tried using grid power instead of a generator? Some inverters have trouble with less than perfect generator power.

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