diy solar

diy solar

Help with DC Isolator and CCA placement


New Member
Feb 22, 2024
Hi all,

I have purchased a package from signature solar thinking I could DIY it with the help of my very trusted electrician who has zero solar experience.

I've already got 2 strings of 6 400w Canadian Solar panels with Tigo TS4-A-O optimizers on the roof with room for 6 more. The 18kpv and two Powerpro batteries are on the wall. I am now at the point where I need to install the Tigo CCA and the DC Disconnect but I'm not sure about placement of these components. My biggest questions are;

Where exactly should these components go?
I was planning to put them both between the Inverter and the electric panel but I read something about the CCA needing to be on the roof.

Do I need a Jbox on the roof or can I just run PV wire in EMT down thru the garage into the dc isolator next to the Inverter?

Do I really need to install the separate shutdown button or can I just use the built in one on the inverter?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated and please don't go too hard on me. Watching Wills videos gave me a confidence that is now crumbling as I'm feeling a little lost here.

This system is in Central California on a completely off-grid unit being built on our property. There is no usage history to go off of but will be powering lighting, fridge, washer, microwave, minisplit, tv and garage door. Propane for dryer and hot water.

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diy solar