diy solar

diy solar

How to use extra solar power


Solar Enthusiast
May 27, 2021
I'm about to finish my non-grid-connected solar build.

1.6kw solar
13kwh storage
4.8kw inverters, 240v capable

My house is on grid and will be staying on grid. This is a separate trailer mounted off-grid system, built to keep necessities running during outages. However, it'll be generating power all the time, and I'd like to find a way to use that power. Obviously 1.6kw of solar isn't going to make much power in the PNW in the winter; in the summer I'll have quite a surplus though.

  1. Grid tie isn't worth the hassle. There's a reason I didn't go grid-tie to begin with.
  2. Charging an EV or PHEV would be nice, and I'll look at that when my current commuter needs to be replaced, but it will have to make sense $$$$ wise as well. Paying $20k more than a comparable ICE vehicle is off the table, zero ROI.
  3. A window unit AC or two is likely to happen in the summer, keep the central HVAC from running so hard.
  4. Current water heater is electric, a second solar powered pre-heater might happen.
  5. Run an electric space heater. I don't expect to be generating enough power during heating season to make this really viable, but I have an electric heater already, so why not use it when/if it makes sense.
  6. Crypto mining. I have zero interest, but if one of my friends wanted to set up a system at my place, plug it into the solar system, and buy the power from me to do so, I'd be open to that.
What other ideas do you folks have? I searched the forum first, but didn't come up with much more than this.
1.6kw solar
13kwh storage
4.8kw inverters, 240v capable
  1. Charging an EV or PHEV would be nice, and I'll look at that when my current commuter needs to be replaced, but it will have to make sense $$$$ wise as well. Paying $20k more than a comparable ICE vehicle is off the table, zero ROI.
Level one EV charging is 12A at 120VAC, or 1440W, so 1.6kW of solar is not going to make that. Realistically, I'd suggest you need ~2800-3000W of solar for reliable charging over the course of the day.
1.6kw solar
13kwh storage
4.8kw inverters, 240v capable
  1. A window unit AC or two is likely to happen in the summer, keep the central HVAC from running so hard.

A window AC is likely to be needing about 800W to run, so that application fits within my usual 2X rule.

  1. Current water heater is electric, a second solar powered pre-heater might happen.
Electric hot water I think is likely to be a good application. It may not be able to power the standard elements at their rated power level. Perhaps install a custom element?
Run an electric space heater. I don't expect to be generating enough power during heating season to make this really viable, but I have an electric heater already, so why not use it when/if it makes sense.
You most likely need the space heater at times when solar resources are at their lowest, so I'd suggest that is not a good fit.
  1. Crypto mining. I have zero interest, but if one of my friends wanted to set up a system at my place, plug it into the solar system, and buy the power from me to do so, I'd be open to that.
Have you spec'ed out the power requirements yet? I'm assuming this needs to run 24/7?
I have a similarly sized system on a greenhouse. The excess "dump loads" are put into heat when it's cold and ventilation when its hot or humid.

If you like growing things, toss up a hoop house near the trailer and have at it :)
Level one EV charging is 12A at 120VAC, or 1440W, so 1.6kW of solar is not going to make that. Realistically, I'd suggest you need ~2800-3000W of solar for reliable charging over the course of the day.

A window AC is likely to be needing about 800W to run, so that application fits within my usual 2X rule.

Electric hot water I think is likely to be a good application. It may not be able to power the standard elements at their rated power level. Perhaps install a custom element?

You most likely need the space heater at times when solar resources are at their lowest, so I'd suggest that is not a good fit.

Have you spec'ed out the power requirements yet? I'm assuming this needs to run 24/7?

Thank you for the detailed input.

Just to make sure we're on the same page, I'm well aware of most of this. The crypto part is the only thing I'm fuzzy on. If anyone wanted to take advantage of that, figuring it out if it would work would be up to them, not my jam at all.

This system was spec'd to run some specific household necessities, which didn't include any of the things I listed. I'm not looking for perfection on any of it, just wanting to make some use of the wattage that will be generated, even if not ideal. Several of the options will only be reducing what is used by the main household system, any any shortcomings will be made up by the standard grid connected household system.

If I were to build the system again, I'd definitely make some changes to the specs, keeping "what to use the power on the rest of the time" in mind.