diy solar

diy solar

i need help connecting growatt batteries


I have tried to recommended cleaning procedure, taking the plugs off and so on, but sadly this made no difference here.

My problem is a bit different though, my setup never worked from new, when i power on the whole setup the battery turns on for a short while but then clicks and the display goes black. The error 217(01) is there every morning about the time, the inverter starts producing from the solar power.

Soon i will have to just "RMA" the inverter and BMS, but i feel this is really silly if this is something that is fixed with a firmware update. Sadly it seems Growatt is really really slow to respond to requests for firmware updates.
Hi...have you resolved? I also suffer from 217 errors and cant resolve even with Growatt doing firmware upgrades etc. I think there is a design fault to be honest.
I'm also still strugling with this error. I do get this error just after the battery is 100% charged.
I then also get a BMS Battery Fault status. In the ShineAPP on my phone I get
Bdc1Status: 2
Bdc1FaultType: 502
Bdc1WarnCode: 702

The 502 means low Battery Voltage
I see the Bdc1Vbat(V): 38.4
However this isn't correct.
I see all batteries are at 54,6V

I think there is an error in the BMS firmware. When it shut's off charging something goes wrong in voltage measurement.
I'm in communications with growatt on this.

I'll try to keep you up to date.
Yesterday I recieved new firmware for my MOD 5000TL3-XH inverter:
- DNAA05xx-DSP28075
- ZBDB0007
However it didn't fix the issue, even worse, the data in the page is missing now :-(

Just the latest update:

Growatt reversed part of the firmare update for my Inverter, It's now at:
Version: DNAA055100
Communication. Version: ZDBD-0006
This solved the missing data in the Shine app and at the site.

Next to this Growatt updated the BMS firmware. The version is now:
Software Version: VCAA-5/2
Model: S00B1004*******
This solved the problem with the 217 error when the battery is fully charged, and also solved the problem with the decharging below the decharge limit.

For me the problems are solved by this.

kind regards,

diy solar

diy solar