diy solar

diy solar

In over my head


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
In over my head.
After a storm took out my streets power for over 16 hours and less than a week later something caused it to go out again for another 3 or 4, I started looking into a backup. I had always scoffed at the idea of my brother spending around $10K on a natural gas whole house backup generator system but now....
I was going to just get an EG4 3KW, an EG4 48V LL-S and some Aptos DNA-120-BF26-370W panels & just have a cart (hand truck) system setup. Definitely not up to code but w/e... Switched to getting just those panels (even dozen out of a ten panel minimum) & an Anker Solix F3800 w/ Home Panel and included Critical Loads Panel for the AC coupling benefits, realized after ordering the F3800 is horrible at taking solar input & decided to bring the inverter & battery back at the front of the system to take the solar, & charge the Anker from that.
In the process I got talked into going up to the EG4 6000XP by Signiture Solar rep then I talked myself into upgrading the EG4 48V LL-S battery to the wall mounted EG4 Indoor battery in the weeks following, while I waited for the pre-order EG4 equipment.
I'm sure there was definitely a cheaper way to do it on the front end, & I'm not even sure this way will work but I like how the Anker can tie to home panel and Critical Loads Panel but I want to be able to use my 12 Aptos panels that I had already ordered.
I've received the Anker System and the panels, the EG4 stuff is expected before the end of the month.
In the mean time I ordered 2 Eco-worthy Solar Trackers. Not sure if I can incorporate both (small yard on South side of home) but seemed like a good deal at under $400 a piece. I'm hoping to get 4 Aptos on each Tracker and eventually will get the rest on the garage roof. Just not looking forward to the permits and contractors to install. (not even going to attempt to screw mounts into new garage roof myself.)
I normally do a little more research but FOMO got the best of me during an Anker Sale and the smart panel seemed ideal for using a system for more than just a backup. I realized my power company charges a premium on Summer afternoons/evenings for electricity and saw the home panel could be set to run at certain times.
I'd love any feedback, thoughts and advice.
You have begun a long journey with solar, patience is key to understanding.
If you are putting 4 panels on each solar tracker (total of 8), then the remaining 4 panels could be on a ground mount - why spend the effort to mount only 4 panels on the roof ? That also might save a few dollars on a permit / installation costs.
Look at the thread on ground mounts, many good ideas there. Good to build stuff on your own.
Re solar trackers: current conventional wisdom is they are not worth the trouble so don't bother.
Panels are cheap these days so just get more panels and just aim some E & W if you need more coverage.
I have no ground to speak of on East South and West side of my lot. That's what led me to squeezing tracker where I'm putting the 1st one. The 2nd one will be close to an alley and be close to edge of where my 2nd vehicle goes in and out of garage, so there's concern with people tempted to mess with them so close to alley and someone not familiar with my drive might forget they are next to the tracker.
They are bifacial and wanted to reap benefits of that compared to just throwing them on South facing garage roof. At $108/each at the time, I didn't mind if SOME ended up on the roof and yes, read comments where trackers aren't worth it but they are definitely interesting.

diy solar

diy solar